November 5, 2009

I fuking love cats! =x

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

hahahah pandai dorang bwat caption... and sume comel2. =x

November 4, 2009

30 days absent

waaaa... da 30 hari tak datang skolah... gile bangga...
so, 30 hari tak gi skolah, of course, rindu kawan blablabla... lame tak hangout ngan form 5 sume tu... ala lagipun dorang busy ngan SPM...
okaaaaaay... da lame tak letak photo baru kat myspace bangang tu...
aku pun lame tak datang skola, in case kalau ade orang rindu aku ke... nak tengok muke aku ke.. nah, latest pic of me... LOL =x

damn asal internet bengong... utube tak boleh... myspace takleh reply comment... haih...
game je la boleh... =.=

November 3, 2009

Fullfilled my wish...

Yeay im happy now... eventhough i cant sleep...
but at least im satisfy... :)
satisfy by filling my blog... haha
da lame tak tulis pape kat blog ni... setiap hari ade je cerita...
tapi bile nak tulis, rase malas la... slalu nya takde time... busy bwat kerja lain.
well anyway, sejak PMR habis ni, banyak benda lame aku start balik...
main game online lame, jumpe kawan lame dalam tu... haha
jumpe kawan skolah rendah, relax kat rumah... tak gi skolah...
sumpah santai habis ah... gile syok... tapi sekejap je tu...

tak kisah la... haha im happy with my world... wish me get 8As in PMR... :)
and i wish u goodluck to all form 2,4,5 students which are doing/will do final exam... all the best k... the exam determines your future... =)


gaaaah myspace.... hellow guys, bosan dah myspace....
and asek ade problem... sorry lambat reply.... macam palat sikit myspace skarang nih..
haaa ok lemme explain, aku tak dapat reply comment actually....
bila nak reply, nanti die cakap kene sign in... padahal da sign in da...
start happen 2 weeks ago... until now... kadang2 je takde hal nak reply...
takde care lain da nak, tinggal je la myspace...
anyway, orang pun kurang online sekarang... masing2 busy exam...
so tak kisah la... ramai orang baru best.. :D

strangerrrrsssssssss.... okay myspace ni penuh ngan strangers...
kite add die, die add kite... kite tak kenal die, die pun tak kenal kite...
kalau kenal takpe la gak... hah... macam bangang doh orang yang add tapi tak tegor ni..
gile babi sombong habis ah... add kite bajet kenal je... tapi tak tegor pun... diam je...macam sampah... aku gak yang tegor... tengok2 die tak reply, ade tu reply pendek2 macam bosan malas layan... camtu baik takyah bodoh... what i do is, delete those arrogant douchebags...tapi ade gak liat nih, die add balik... approve je la...
bile tanye kenal ke tak, die jawab TAK... tanye asal add, die cakap ENTAH... haih..

'weh bro comment photo aku! '
ok ni mesti biasa dengar en... hahaha... actually aku benci orang mintak comment photo... eh eh... aku benci STRANGER yang mintak comment... da la aku tak kenal... sombong... tapi tibe2 datang mintak comment... kalau orang yang aku kenal/da biasa, aku comment je la ( mood happy)... tapi stranger tibe2 tak penah chat mintak, comment je la ( bad mood )...
bile da comment, die tak reply aku... padahal orang lain die reply...
haiyooo gile tak appreciate... aku bukan nak bising mintak dihargai ape..
tapi, come on laaa... gile shameless dude... taktau malu... da la name merepek...
radfuckston yucker, ape benda tah name die... hahah name bodoh... mintak komen... pastu sombong.. bajet budak top je... weh, KOMEN GAMBAR SENDIRI APE KES? aku tgok 50+ komen, rupe2 nye komen gambar sendiri... hek eleeeeeh baik takyah weh...

tak kisah la komen gambar sendiri ke ape... but at least be nice la dude...
give a nice face... cute face n many more at least...

so that all for this topic... Myspace... memang la banyak ragam manusia...
ragam manusia ni berbeza dalam dunia virtual and realiti... tapi ape nak buat? kalau dalam internet da jahat, realiti mesti kurang kawan... kat myspace la aku kenal ramai orang... :)

Tak Pergi Sekolah

'alip! da bape hari tak pergi skolah?'
'dude ko da lame en tak gi skolah'
'weh lame tak nampak ko, mane ko hilang?'
'afro rindu blablabla'

gaaaaah... takyah tanye dah.... hahaha so far eerrrm...
sejak 15 october hari tu aku tak gi skolah... tu last day aku kat sekolah...
and last day tu la paling menyakitkan hati... sakit hati la sebab aku taknak gi skolah...
sebab sakit hati? well... haa... cikgu kejam, cikgu ganas... tak kasi kluar skolah...
tak ramai datang... tak buat pape kat skolah, everyone tengah exam... nampak budak couple (well jeles la en.. dorang senang2 couple pakwe makwe dekat.. aku jauh...lain weh... =\ )

so, tak gi skolah... jarang chat sangat ngan kawan2 skolah... taktau updates...
malas nak tau pun... sebab asek busy je... aku bukannye malas layan kawan/orang...
its just, errm.. da tiba masa aku untuk enjoy myself, and with close friends...
dulu kan da enjoy ngan kawan2 sume... social blablabla hangout sume...
sometimes rase penat pulak kalau asek chat n social...


Hidupku Terbalik

haih seperti tajuk diatas... bukan yang terok... not as u think. =x
well, maksud tajuk atas haaa... ialah, im a nocturnal human...
supernatural? naaah nope... there are many others out there which are same as me..
(okay english x seberapa elok... x confident which is atau which are. )

so... nocturnal... siang aku tido... malam aku kerja...
kerja? haaaa kerja aku gaming n chat dengan beberapa kawan yang masih online...
game haaaa... asal aku game tengah malam? well, game tu international... orang dari macam2 tempat negera main... dorang active je... so aku follow la dorang...
waktu siang dorang tido... ha ha... well dulu busy ngan skola, right now busy ngan game pulak... setiap hari bangun pukul 2.30 pm, lunch, and text...
hahaha camni la hidup penganggur... da takda benda nak bwat... PMR da habis kan... :)

Why I Fuc*ing unable to sleep?

owh gooosssh look what time is it now... 4.20 am... its fucking morning... and Im here sitting in front of computer writing this bullshit... damn why Im unable to sleep...
I feel so tired but unable to sleep...
aku ada insomnia ke? sejak 2 weeks ago, gile bapak susah nak tido...
sejak 2 bulan sebelum PMR dulu da ade susah nak tido... tapi lepas PMR senang skejap...
tak lame pun... =.=
aarrrghh I need sleeping pill... but i've read an article before, it says that sleeping pills are not good for health... it can cause drowsiness the next day, confusion, forgetfulness and dry mouth... these side effects can be severe...
BUT I NEED IT BADLY! i hardly fucking unable to sleep...
just now theres an article on yahoo about side effect of less sleep...
boleh trbantut... =.=
camni susah la nak tinggi doh... time tido la growth start... and recovery of cells... blablabla banyak la...

errrh help me! i want to sleep! someone get me sleeping pill... or gime some advise