went to Youth Festival yesterday with faiz anaqi and ieqa... that festival was awesome. lots of events held. dance competition, basketball, futsal, battle of the bands, jualan barang2, mewarna.. ceee takde ah... pertandingan mewarna takde hahahaha gilo kalau ade... macam2 lah ade... tapi aku tak amek bahagian pun. malas. and crowded...
dance competition cool doh. dorang dance cantik and synchronized gile... i like the second one, after Floor Fever group. ade MJ, pakai shade, leather jacket and hat, that one was very nice... really enjoy watching them :D
tempat tu crowded gile sampai banyak kali aku kene tinggal.. +.+
and my phone takde credit. that made it worse... kene tunggu dorang call baru dapat jumpe balik... zzzzz... met few friends there, chaa and aidzat ehem2, elli, luqman, kakak chaa, athifah, hany and her bf, izzati, ant, aimi, nana and ramai lah...
elli grow taller please... u'll look more beautiful then ;]
met my parkour members too... tapi dah tak member hahaha malas dah... borak ngan Atha je la... die ngan dorang... dorang tu dah macam ape je... tak layan budak kecik hahaha...
then dah bape jam dok kat youth tu... at 5 we decided to go home. but before that, gi makan dulu :D
me ieqa and faiz had our meal at pizza hut... anaqi balik ngan jiran die... we chat a lot and share macam2 cite... rindu doh kawan2 asrama ni... i hate to say this, but its true... i miss them a lot... :')
teringat time dorang ade dulu hahah..
ieqa turun kat serdang, faiz kat kajang. me at ukm. masing2 station lain +.+
so there i start to feel alone and got home by taxi. balik rumah usha cupcakes, damn it dah hancur... lalai doh... +.+
May 30, 2010
May 25, 2010
wont let
"wont let you sell that house... that house has great quality and lots of memories in it... kalau compare dengan rumah kajang ni, banyak beza and kajang very low quality. only your kitchen high quality and perfect, the other sides, bitchy... alip tak kisah neighbourhood and other infrastructure kat rumah tu, alip kisah rumah tu... if mak nak gantikan dengan rumah baru, make sure it is better than rumah tu... its not easy to get a good quality house, with big space, big yard sume tu...'
thats what i said to my mother when she said she want to replace the house after she retired. dia cakap nak replace rumah lama ngan baru lepas die pencen, at least a semi-d... yeah right damn ass la... semi-d is okay, but the quality? the space? i want a house that is same level or much better than the current, i dont want 'down-graded' one... its not easy nowadays to get a good house that has A-grade in every aspect... 'just good' pun dah susah nak dapat. with big damn price, tu pun kecik je rumah sekarang. i wonder if there is any house that has moderate price, big yard and lots of spaces nowadays? in selangor especially... and lastly, great design and architecture.
i had a short cold fight with mom just because of a small matter.. well, i didnt talk much and didnt argue with her. i just stay quiet coz i dont want things get worse. i know if i fight back, she will get hurt with what i said. aku mulut lepas. in my mind, banyak benda aku nak cakap, tapi xpe lah. its not worth to fight for, for now. she said, once she has retired, she will discuss about this.
we, me and my mother dont have the same mind, didnt think alike about this. die pikir pasal future of surroundings, while i think about dreams with that house. theres nothing i can do to stop them from selling that house. its theirs. well actually i do have ways to stop, but its idiot and not 'solid' enough... if they're really going to do it, i will make sure they got a much much better than before... its pretty sensitive about this, i really care for that house... but they dont understand me... enough bye
thats what i said to my mother when she said she want to replace the house after she retired. dia cakap nak replace rumah lama ngan baru lepas die pencen, at least a semi-d... yeah right damn ass la... semi-d is okay, but the quality? the space? i want a house that is same level or much better than the current, i dont want 'down-graded' one... its not easy nowadays to get a good house that has A-grade in every aspect... 'just good' pun dah susah nak dapat. with big damn price, tu pun kecik je rumah sekarang. i wonder if there is any house that has moderate price, big yard and lots of spaces nowadays? in selangor especially... and lastly, great design and architecture.
i had a short cold fight with mom just because of a small matter.. well, i didnt talk much and didnt argue with her. i just stay quiet coz i dont want things get worse. i know if i fight back, she will get hurt with what i said. aku mulut lepas. in my mind, banyak benda aku nak cakap, tapi xpe lah. its not worth to fight for, for now. she said, once she has retired, she will discuss about this.
we, me and my mother dont have the same mind, didnt think alike about this. die pikir pasal future of surroundings, while i think about dreams with that house. theres nothing i can do to stop them from selling that house. its theirs. well actually i do have ways to stop, but its idiot and not 'solid' enough... if they're really going to do it, i will make sure they got a much much better than before... its pretty sensitive about this, i really care for that house... but they dont understand me... enough bye
May 22, 2010
think i should

make tubmblr... but wait, ape gunenye tumblr? social? its more like blog and display photos. more to photos, right?
hmmm aa... twitter ade pun terbengkalai je. tak ramai ade and tak syok sangat. maybe i havent get the 'syokness' of twitting lol
reasons why i want to make tumblr, to display my edit-ed photos, show some cool and original photos.
hari ni bapak membazir masa aku tak sentuh buku pun lepas balik sekolah. hari jumaat memang memenatkan, lagi2 frust lepas exam. +.+
darn, i need more time to 'complete'
tadi exam english 1 and modern math paper 1.
english was okay, guess i did well and im happy with it.
no comment.
but then modern math 1. darn. damn it. tak dapat buat elok doh. bapak sedih. seriously, aku rasa terok and fucked up sebab tak buat elok2 paper tu. tak cukup masa doh. wasted so much time sampai nearly 10 questions tibai. pretty slow aku jawab paper tu.
mostly soalan yang aku tibai semua pasal equation of straight lines. yang lain elok je.
dah study, tapi time exam tetibe blank and tak reti nak buat.
soalan yang aku tak dapat answer, skip to the next. then bila nak buat balik soalan yang skip tu, pikir lame sangat and tak sempat answer soalan blakang. and bile masa nak habis, shoot je! shoot em up babe!
and heeell yeaaah i was damn lucky. 4/10 *i think, maybe* got it right. 6 tu entah la. tak sempat semak ngan kawan. haih
feeling bad. i just need more time to study and set it in my mind. regret tangguh study. this is a lesson to me.
wish me luck for other papers. have a nice day and goodluck to all who are sitting exam next week
english was okay, guess i did well and im happy with it.
no comment.
but then modern math 1. darn. damn it. tak dapat buat elok doh. bapak sedih. seriously, aku rasa terok and fucked up sebab tak buat elok2 paper tu. tak cukup masa doh. wasted so much time sampai nearly 10 questions tibai. pretty slow aku jawab paper tu.
mostly soalan yang aku tibai semua pasal equation of straight lines. yang lain elok je.
dah study, tapi time exam tetibe blank and tak reti nak buat.
soalan yang aku tak dapat answer, skip to the next. then bila nak buat balik soalan yang skip tu, pikir lame sangat and tak sempat answer soalan blakang. and bile masa nak habis, shoot je! shoot em up babe!
and heeell yeaaah i was damn lucky. 4/10 *i think, maybe* got it right. 6 tu entah la. tak sempat semak ngan kawan. haih
feeling bad. i just need more time to study and set it in my mind. regret tangguh study. this is a lesson to me.
wish me luck for other papers. have a nice day and goodluck to all who are sitting exam next week
May 19, 2010
May 17, 2010
hari guru

bosan... yah, bosan... tak semeriah cam last year... time form 1 paling bes aku rasa... zaman maisarah sofia tu eh? haa ye kot. tapi tu yang paling bes...
suasana biasa je and cold je... takde pape yang special... ade la satu, naim perform. it was the best performance for this year. his voice's damn good... takde pecah2 =x
lepas rehat, around pukul 10.30. dah taktau nak buat pape. takda acara dah. ade pun antara guru je... dorang main game ape tah, musical chair and ape lagi tah...
lepak kat bilik seni, buat bising, kerja gile, dengar orang jam guitar, masing2 show off talent. aku, uzair and apip menguap je kat situ. bedol ngan awek die bukan main lagi. woot woot... selain tu, main amek gambar je la... bosan. nak balik tapi pakguard tak kasi keluar lak... haiyo ingat nak lepak maple ke ape. terperangkap kat sekolah. sampai 1pm, pastu lepak maple. 2 sampai rumah. pastu study, tido =.=
BOSAN BOSAN. rindu senior f5 09 last year... dorang bes... tak dapat get along sangat la ngan senior this year... since aku jadi quiet...
sampai bila die nak dengar cakap
ABANG KU. satu2 nya abang ku.... ACCIDENT.... die cakap terok, time dalam phone. and he sounded soooooooo sad... THEN PARENTS KUTIP DIE KAT BALAI.... mak cakap kereta terok, he and his friends are damn well fine...
AT FIRST, dengar mak cakap accident, dengan suara cemas, aku pun naik cemas. elok2 tenang study sejarah, sekali mak jerit 'AFIF ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!'
so aku pun, 'omg camne leh accident? kat mane?', 'somewhere in Nilai, die accident terok, mak ngan abah nak bersiap gi jumpe die sekarang! baby call afif tanya die whether hes fine or not'...
*dalam hati, aku rasa macam wtf terkejut gila... cuak... taknak hilang abang, die satu2 nya abang aku, nanti tambah sunyi lagi family and 'hilang macam2'... *
aku call die, suara die macam cemas and cungap2, 'TERUK! TERUK! ABANG KAT DEPAN NI, !#^#y#$%@# '...
suara die macam ok, so hah lega sikit hati ni...
then mak abah dah blah, aku dok sorang... dari 9 tadi sampai sekarang, dorang tak balik2...
then 11.30 tadi, mak sms, die cakap afif and kawan2 die elok je, kereta remuk depan.
SEJAK TU, dah... tak risau lagi dah... kali ni nak tergelak lak...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... gelak sorang2 kot... tu la, abang aku ni. taknak dengar... mak suruh gerak muadzam awal, tapi degil... nak balik time malam, gelap... dah la pukul 4~6 tadi main badminton, dengan penatnya bersukan lagi... dah la gune kereta orang gi sukan tu... aku nak belajar driving pun tak dapat sebab myvi da gune. viva sendiri ade tapi taknak gune. sorok kunci taknak parents pakai. kedekut pe? nak balik malam pulak tu... memang risky la... mak selalu advise die suruh balik pukul 4... tapi degil...
so hah, kali ni memang pengajaran gile2 lah ni... ni kali kedua viva kemek... baru setahun pakai, da macam2 jadi. ubahsuai mau beribu. last2 accident. ngaaaap duit lagi~~~ duit untuk repair~ memang penghabis duit la kau ni... tak reti menyimpan.
look, dengar la nasihat orang tua. dorang lagi arif and berpengalaman, jangan abaikan. mak suruh balik awal ade sebabnya, kalau drive malam bahaya.
then, i dont want to lose any of my family member... include him, walaupun die ni terok and sucky, sebanyak mana die naikkan darah, we dont want to lose our precious member... dah la die sorang je abang aku...
and lastly, make parents proud and happy, not mad... mak and abah tadi naik angin dengar accident tu... sebab kene ape? KUAR DUIT LAGIIII... abang aku ni spend kuat. macam pmpuan. gi buat rambot je da rm70+... makeup kerete 1k+... his shopping ***, belanja keperluan pun ***...
abah penah cakap, SAMPAI BILE ABAH NAK ADE FERRARI KALAU ANAK BERTUAH TU SPEND MELALOT JE... haih... ni la abang aku... troublesome yet 'penceria' in our family
AT FIRST, dengar mak cakap accident, dengan suara cemas, aku pun naik cemas. elok2 tenang study sejarah, sekali mak jerit 'AFIF ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!'
so aku pun, 'omg camne leh accident? kat mane?', 'somewhere in Nilai, die accident terok, mak ngan abah nak bersiap gi jumpe die sekarang! baby call afif tanya die whether hes fine or not'...
*dalam hati, aku rasa macam wtf terkejut gila... cuak... taknak hilang abang, die satu2 nya abang aku, nanti tambah sunyi lagi family and 'hilang macam2'... *
aku call die, suara die macam cemas and cungap2, 'TERUK! TERUK! ABANG KAT DEPAN NI, !#^#y#$%@# '...
suara die macam ok, so hah lega sikit hati ni...
then mak abah dah blah, aku dok sorang... dari 9 tadi sampai sekarang, dorang tak balik2...
then 11.30 tadi, mak sms, die cakap afif and kawan2 die elok je, kereta remuk depan.
SEJAK TU, dah... tak risau lagi dah... kali ni nak tergelak lak...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... gelak sorang2 kot... tu la, abang aku ni. taknak dengar... mak suruh gerak muadzam awal, tapi degil... nak balik time malam, gelap... dah la pukul 4~6 tadi main badminton, dengan penatnya bersukan lagi... dah la gune kereta orang gi sukan tu... aku nak belajar driving pun tak dapat sebab myvi da gune. viva sendiri ade tapi taknak gune. sorok kunci taknak parents pakai. kedekut pe? nak balik malam pulak tu... memang risky la... mak selalu advise die suruh balik pukul 4... tapi degil...
so hah, kali ni memang pengajaran gile2 lah ni... ni kali kedua viva kemek... baru setahun pakai, da macam2 jadi. ubahsuai mau beribu. last2 accident. ngaaaap duit lagi~~~ duit untuk repair~ memang penghabis duit la kau ni... tak reti menyimpan.
look, dengar la nasihat orang tua. dorang lagi arif and berpengalaman, jangan abaikan. mak suruh balik awal ade sebabnya, kalau drive malam bahaya.
then, i dont want to lose any of my family member... include him, walaupun die ni terok and sucky, sebanyak mana die naikkan darah, we dont want to lose our precious member... dah la die sorang je abang aku...
and lastly, make parents proud and happy, not mad... mak and abah tadi naik angin dengar accident tu... sebab kene ape? KUAR DUIT LAGIIII... abang aku ni spend kuat. macam pmpuan. gi buat rambot je da rm70+... makeup kerete 1k+... his shopping ***, belanja keperluan pun ***...
abah penah cakap, SAMPAI BILE ABAH NAK ADE FERRARI KALAU ANAK BERTUAH TU SPEND MELALOT JE... haih... ni la abang aku... troublesome yet 'penceria' in our family
May 13, 2010
dah nak exam
tapi aku tak baca sepatah haram pun pasal sejarah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
asek tak kena je bile bace sejarah. distractions, excited, high, internet...
tadi ade quiz physic, and aku dapat 10/30 wtf. now i know my weakness, i need to do revision. physic mostly tak dapat jawab sebab lupe. soalan banyak pasal fakta instead of calculating. calculating aku boleh...
lepas ni taknak online and blog and facebook lagi, until exam habis. aku BERAZAM!
(yeah right =.=)
goodluck sesape yg amek exam tu.=]
asek tak kena je bile bace sejarah. distractions, excited, high, internet...
tadi ade quiz physic, and aku dapat 10/30 wtf. now i know my weakness, i need to do revision. physic mostly tak dapat jawab sebab lupe. soalan banyak pasal fakta instead of calculating. calculating aku boleh...
lepas ni taknak online and blog and facebook lagi, until exam habis. aku BERAZAM!
(yeah right =.=)
goodluck sesape yg amek exam tu.=]
May 10, 2010
malam ni, nak study.
masuk malam ni, oh online and buat hw je.
esok petang nak study, kawan pun ade.
masuk esoknya, oh borak and gossip je la.
malam tu nye nak study,
haih gayut ngan kawan kat hp lak.
malam esok study, sumpah. SUMPAH NAK STUDY. ade distraction pun lantak la, sejarah, kene masuk kepala ni.
THEN,tak study. texting and online.
MEMANG BESOK LA EN NAK STUDY CAMNI... aku bet semua orang camni... nak study, tapi asek tangguh je.
masuk malam ni, oh online and buat hw je.
esok petang nak study, kawan pun ade.
masuk esoknya, oh borak and gossip je la.
malam tu nye nak study,
haih gayut ngan kawan kat hp lak.
malam esok study, sumpah. SUMPAH NAK STUDY. ade distraction pun lantak la, sejarah, kene masuk kepala ni.
THEN,tak study. texting and online.
MEMANG BESOK LA EN NAK STUDY CAMNI... aku bet semua orang camni... nak study, tapi asek tangguh je.
driving academy
start engine, mastered
free gear to gear 1, mastered
gear 1 to gear 2, mastered ;]
gear 2 to gear 3, mastered
need to master :-
gear 3~4,
gear 4~5,
drive at narrow place,
climbing hill.
HAH... belajar ngan abah, die jadi teacher. bapak ah, syok sial bawak kete ni. myvi dah syok, bawak kete sport camne lak en. excited ah. nak drive further and farther. :D
free gear to gear 1, mastered
gear 1 to gear 2, mastered ;]
gear 2 to gear 3, mastered
need to master :-
gear 3~4,
gear 4~5,
drive at narrow place,
climbing hill.
HAH... belajar ngan abah, die jadi teacher. bapak ah, syok sial bawak kete ni. myvi dah syok, bawak kete sport camne lak en. excited ah. nak drive further and farther. :D
May 9, 2010
melencong dari study. sims 3
May 7, 2010
aku expect hari ni calm and quiet day
TAPI TIDAK... sux maaan suxxx... macam Pavinthren cakap, 'everything sux nowadays'...
see, even brilliant student like him cant stand in our school... morons, jerks, bitch and ape lagi? macam2 manusia la sekarang nih... aku taknak cakap yang aku benci manusia +.+
dislike cukup, disgusted dengan perangai tak berfaedah dan sia2 manusia nih.
bad starting makes the whole progress upside down...
pagi tadi ade raptai kerdipan bintang. the weather was nice, bright and hot. time tunggu cikgu sebut name tu, puan syikin datang and tegur rambut aku. "oh okay cikgu, saya potong. ehh haaa yelah2 saya masukkan baju :)"... mood cikgu biase je and die tegur pun elok je... then after few moments, puan norlina lak muncul. "alif rambut kamu ni panjang! potong! sampai bila nak camni?! dari dulu lagi panjang tak potong2! !^#%!^%! *banyak la bebel*" ( korang sendiri agak la nada cikgu cakap tu camne =.=)
FUCK datang2 buat bising kacau havoc blablabla seriously spoil my mood... know what i 'repay' her? i look her in the eyes ;]
lol stare lame2 dengan die, mata lawan mata, then sape tah panggil aku. aku berpaling... damn it bodoh ah norlina. die lepaskan sakit period die kat orang +.+
die dah tau aku kene tegur ngan syikin, i know she was there and dengar yg syikin tegur aku. tapi die lagi nak marah. bajet penegasan ar =.=
CUKUP LA SEKALI tegur,aku paham, takyah ulang, be polite and nice WILL YA OLD WOMAN?, cikgu saje nak burukkan and die dah humiliate aku. die dah takda keje, saje point out flaw supaya die leh marah orang and tunjuk yang die ade guna kat cikgu2 lain.
darn u. taknak respect lagi dah die. i see her as a damn rat shit. ure in my list now.
then time rehat, puan siti fatimah tegur sebab rambut panjang and baju keluar.
OKAY. cikgu ni biase je sebab die marah tak serious and joke. so aku tak rasa offended or anything <3
one thing i want to say here, kalau nak tegur, just tegur, theres no need to harsh and be aggressive. unless orang tu respond dengan kasar. right?
then time agama, bedol and apip duk dengan aku. aku kat tengah2. haih sumpah aaa takleh belajar. TAK TAHAN AR TAK TAHAN. apip banyak bunyi and aku takleh concentrate ape yang cikgu ngajar kat depan. die asek berborak, cakap benda yang takde kene ngena and saje buang masa cikgu. die lengah2 kan cikgu. pastu gelak2 la. die nak entertain alia and ktorang, tapi tak kene la. waktu blaja, blaja la. takyah buat keje lain. DONT TALK. be quiet. u sit at my place so please behave. aku tak suka berborak time belajar. lain la kalau benda yang berkaitan. rasa nak sound kot, tapi tak sampai hati. aku slalu tak sampai hati. kalau boleh nak marah semua kesalahan yg die buat, tapi sebab pikirkan consequences tu. nvm la +.+
apip dah jadi gila sejak break. haih. sebab die banyak bising and tempat kitorang je berbunyi dan memeriahkan kelas, we tio scold aaaa...
damn it world damn it. thought today's going to be perfect and flawless. kenalan tak habis2 menyusahkan
see, even brilliant student like him cant stand in our school... morons, jerks, bitch and ape lagi? macam2 manusia la sekarang nih... aku taknak cakap yang aku benci manusia +.+
dislike cukup, disgusted dengan perangai tak berfaedah dan sia2 manusia nih.
bad starting makes the whole progress upside down...
pagi tadi ade raptai kerdipan bintang. the weather was nice, bright and hot. time tunggu cikgu sebut name tu, puan syikin datang and tegur rambut aku. "oh okay cikgu, saya potong. ehh haaa yelah2 saya masukkan baju :)"... mood cikgu biase je and die tegur pun elok je... then after few moments, puan norlina lak muncul. "alif rambut kamu ni panjang! potong! sampai bila nak camni?! dari dulu lagi panjang tak potong2! !^#%!^%! *banyak la bebel*" ( korang sendiri agak la nada cikgu cakap tu camne =.=)
FUCK datang2 buat bising kacau havoc blablabla seriously spoil my mood... know what i 'repay' her? i look her in the eyes ;]
lol stare lame2 dengan die, mata lawan mata, then sape tah panggil aku. aku berpaling... damn it bodoh ah norlina. die lepaskan sakit period die kat orang +.+
die dah tau aku kene tegur ngan syikin, i know she was there and dengar yg syikin tegur aku. tapi die lagi nak marah. bajet penegasan ar =.=
CUKUP LA SEKALI tegur,aku paham, takyah ulang, be polite and nice WILL YA OLD WOMAN?, cikgu saje nak burukkan and die dah humiliate aku. die dah takda keje, saje point out flaw supaya die leh marah orang and tunjuk yang die ade guna kat cikgu2 lain.
darn u. taknak respect lagi dah die. i see her as a damn rat shit. ure in my list now.
then time rehat, puan siti fatimah tegur sebab rambut panjang and baju keluar.
OKAY. cikgu ni biase je sebab die marah tak serious and joke. so aku tak rasa offended or anything <3
one thing i want to say here, kalau nak tegur, just tegur, theres no need to harsh and be aggressive. unless orang tu respond dengan kasar. right?
then time agama, bedol and apip duk dengan aku. aku kat tengah2. haih sumpah aaa takleh belajar. TAK TAHAN AR TAK TAHAN. apip banyak bunyi and aku takleh concentrate ape yang cikgu ngajar kat depan. die asek berborak, cakap benda yang takde kene ngena and saje buang masa cikgu. die lengah2 kan cikgu. pastu gelak2 la. die nak entertain alia and ktorang, tapi tak kene la. waktu blaja, blaja la. takyah buat keje lain. DONT TALK. be quiet. u sit at my place so please behave. aku tak suka berborak time belajar. lain la kalau benda yang berkaitan. rasa nak sound kot, tapi tak sampai hati. aku slalu tak sampai hati. kalau boleh nak marah semua kesalahan yg die buat, tapi sebab pikirkan consequences tu. nvm la +.+
apip dah jadi gila sejak break. haih. sebab die banyak bising and tempat kitorang je berbunyi dan memeriahkan kelas, we tio scold aaaa...
damn it world damn it. thought today's going to be perfect and flawless. kenalan tak habis2 menyusahkan
May 5, 2010
semalam, akmal hafeez called me and ask me a favor.
lepas discuss pasal favor dia tu, chat kejap. dia cakap aku sombong and tak untalkative as before.
I want to ask u, readers, some questions.
1, betul ke aku dah tak banyak cakap cam dulu? and boring?
2, aku sombong ke?
3, am i active as before?
akmal cakap aku camtu la... +.+
terasa kot. sumpah ramai gila cakap aku dah tak talkative cam dulu and sombong.
this time nak tanye opinion orang. is that true im that type of guy? yang malas layan kawan?
haih... aku bukan apa... aku just malas bersuara and tak message sangat ngan orang.
typing kat phone tak bes, prefer kat pc. so yeah im more to pc than phone.
and, i prefer chat on internet. u see, im active at facebook :D
but inactive in ym.
facebook senang chat, and fun. takyah reply cepat2. ym kene reply cepat2 and aku malas layan orang... i just want privacy. kalau 24jam asek chatting je, memang rimas and bazir masa la. i got works to do too...
korang tak rasa boring ke chat ngan orang sama berminggu2 or berbulan? sebab aku rasa camtu. boring kot. aku ni cepat boring ngan orang dan karenah orang. bile dah boring, tukar orang la. normally malas layan. reply pendek2 je kalau die tegur gak =x
boleh katakan seminggu aku msg satu orang (normally). dalam seminggu tu i get to know her well and be close to. average 90+ texts per day. kerap la tu en message.
bila kredit sikit, aku reply msg yang penting je la.
just malas multi-chat kat phone.
and, aku malas tegur orang. bukan ape, malas ganggu. tu satu. and got works to do. like playing games, watching movies and chat on internet. oh and, aku tak suke texting ngan laki kat phone, melainkan betul2 penting and munasabah je baru aku layan XD
kat internet baru aku tegur and layan laki. B-)
rasa cam gay kot.
malas tulis panjang. hmm, haa, so yeah friends. sorry kalau aku dah lama tak tegur korang. bukan ape, bukan sombong, tapi just malas. kalau nak chat, chat kat internet la, not phone. phone aku malas sikit. very very malas actually. oh and jangan message waktu siang, message waktu malam. cos siang seriously malas and banyak kerja. malam free and banyak idea nak cakap pasal ape :)
i hate to say this, but, aku memang jenis camni. selfish - i dont come to friends unless interested to, but friends come to me ;3
thanks for reading, hope u understand me. have a nice day :D
lepas discuss pasal favor dia tu, chat kejap. dia cakap aku sombong and tak untalkative as before.
I want to ask u, readers, some questions.
1, betul ke aku dah tak banyak cakap cam dulu? and boring?
2, aku sombong ke?
3, am i active as before?
akmal cakap aku camtu la... +.+
terasa kot. sumpah ramai gila cakap aku dah tak talkative cam dulu and sombong.
this time nak tanye opinion orang. is that true im that type of guy? yang malas layan kawan?
haih... aku bukan apa... aku just malas bersuara and tak message sangat ngan orang.
typing kat phone tak bes, prefer kat pc. so yeah im more to pc than phone.
and, i prefer chat on internet. u see, im active at facebook :D
but inactive in ym.
facebook senang chat, and fun. takyah reply cepat2. ym kene reply cepat2 and aku malas layan orang... i just want privacy. kalau 24jam asek chatting je, memang rimas and bazir masa la. i got works to do too...
korang tak rasa boring ke chat ngan orang sama berminggu2 or berbulan? sebab aku rasa camtu. boring kot. aku ni cepat boring ngan orang dan karenah orang. bile dah boring, tukar orang la. normally malas layan. reply pendek2 je kalau die tegur gak =x
boleh katakan seminggu aku msg satu orang (normally). dalam seminggu tu i get to know her well and be close to. average 90+ texts per day. kerap la tu en message.
bila kredit sikit, aku reply msg yang penting je la.
just malas multi-chat kat phone.
and, aku malas tegur orang. bukan ape, malas ganggu. tu satu. and got works to do. like playing games, watching movies and chat on internet. oh and, aku tak suke texting ngan laki kat phone, melainkan betul2 penting and munasabah je baru aku layan XD
kat internet baru aku tegur and layan laki. B-)
rasa cam gay kot.
malas tulis panjang. hmm, haa, so yeah friends. sorry kalau aku dah lama tak tegur korang. bukan ape, bukan sombong, tapi just malas. kalau nak chat, chat kat internet la, not phone. phone aku malas sikit. very very malas actually. oh and jangan message waktu siang, message waktu malam. cos siang seriously malas and banyak kerja. malam free and banyak idea nak cakap pasal ape :)
i hate to say this, but, aku memang jenis camni. selfish - i dont come to friends unless interested to, but friends come to me ;3
thanks for reading, hope u understand me. have a nice day :D
cabut hidung baru lega
yeay hari ni balik awal. awal sangat la en. pukul 10, time rehat balik :D
abah call die dah sampai kat office, so aku terus balik kelas, amek bag, blah.
terlupa nak bagitau kawan2 yang aku balik. yang tau, azeem, hq and aishah je la.
tu pun sebab aku lalu tangga and jumpa dorang. =x
I've told my friends early that im going home, tapi dorang lupa gak and tanya lagi nape balik. =.="
I hate to make people waiting and I, myself, hate waiting too... everyone hate waiting. tu sebab cepat2 blah tak bagitau kawan lain tuh.
sheeeesssh teruk gila kot selsema tadi. nak tercabut hidung. asek bersin and non-stop. ganggu orang lain je and tak menyenangkan. better balik. at the same time rugi, cos missed addmath class :(
well im off now. have a nice day readers :)
and be healthy
abah call die dah sampai kat office, so aku terus balik kelas, amek bag, blah.
terlupa nak bagitau kawan2 yang aku balik. yang tau, azeem, hq and aishah je la.
tu pun sebab aku lalu tangga and jumpa dorang. =x
I've told my friends early that im going home, tapi dorang lupa gak and tanya lagi nape balik. =.="
I hate to make people waiting and I, myself, hate waiting too... everyone hate waiting. tu sebab cepat2 blah tak bagitau kawan lain tuh.
sheeeesssh teruk gila kot selsema tadi. nak tercabut hidung. asek bersin and non-stop. ganggu orang lain je and tak menyenangkan. better balik. at the same time rugi, cos missed addmath class :(
well im off now. have a nice day readers :)
and be healthy
May 4, 2010
bracket kedua
PATAH.... i was enjoying a movie, while eating popcorn...
u know, popcorn kan ade satu biji, bulat yang keras gile tu en.
aku dah detect benda tu, saje la sambil2 kunyah tu, kunyah la biji tu...
SEKALI . . . . . . *grrrrpp*
rasa pelik, cari mencari guna lidah, then found it. tengok2 bracket, kali ni gigi graham? belah kanan, part bawah. belakang sekali. before this gigi graham gak, tapi belah kiri and bawah gak...
then stop makan popcorn, *call mak* 'mak bracket alip patah la, boleh jumpe dentist tak? tak selesa la...'
lucky boleh jumpe cepat. esok petangnya, jumpe dentist.
doctor tak replace bracket yang patah tu, tapi die gune 'separator'. plastic kecik, bulat. and function die untuk hold gigi graham tu. +.+
and doctor tukar getah sekali, tapi untuk gigi atas je la. taktau asal yang bawah die biarkan. kali ni warne metallic silver :D
and right now im suffering the pain from the separator +.+
great. takleh makan, takleh tido. merana balik, macam lepas tukar wire braces.
u know, popcorn kan ade satu biji, bulat yang keras gile tu en.
aku dah detect benda tu, saje la sambil2 kunyah tu, kunyah la biji tu...
SEKALI . . . . . . *grrrrpp*
rasa pelik, cari mencari guna lidah, then found it. tengok2 bracket, kali ni gigi graham? belah kanan, part bawah. belakang sekali. before this gigi graham gak, tapi belah kiri and bawah gak...
then stop makan popcorn, *call mak* 'mak bracket alip patah la, boleh jumpe dentist tak? tak selesa la...'
lucky boleh jumpe cepat. esok petangnya, jumpe dentist.
doctor tak replace bracket yang patah tu, tapi die gune 'separator'. plastic kecik, bulat. and function die untuk hold gigi graham tu. +.+
and doctor tukar getah sekali, tapi untuk gigi atas je la. taktau asal yang bawah die biarkan. kali ni warne metallic silver :D
and right now im suffering the pain from the separator +.+
great. takleh makan, takleh tido. merana balik, macam lepas tukar wire braces.
May 2, 2010
went to midvalley with Nizar and his friends, ayeez, najib, mus, najmi ... budak2 saujana impian ni, aku kenal dorang gak... have met them before this and nizar intro dorang :D
went there to watch Ironman 2, damn gila ramai beratur nak beli ticket. lucky kitorang dah order ticket 3 days before, so takyah q :D
Ironman 2 was great and awwweeeeeeeesomeeeee... cool gile kot iron suit tu... great CGI and story line... love it, 5 star. its a MUST WATCH MOVIE of 2010 :D
bes gile kalau jadi Tony Stark tu... multi-millionaire, great house and great cars... great tech in his garage.
then after that, went to sushi king, kali ketiga aku makan sushi... okay im addicted with it now... rasa nak lagi. nak try semua... sedap kot.. cume wasabi sux. prefer no wasabi and just soy sauce... bill die pun baik punyaaaaaa, but idc... =x
jalan2, cari tag untuk bag sekolah, tak jumpe apa yang aku nak. semua caption tak bes, oh and ayeez najib mus had to go home early coz their parents will be mad if its too late... so left nizar me and najmi... on the way to Gardens, i want to show my friends a trick...
the trick is, walk on the water, kan on the way to gardens ade fountain...
so yeah, time tu lantai basah coz baru lepas hujan. i called nizar and najmi nak suruh dorang tengok, skali nak stop, tetibe kaki tergelincir lak... habis jatuh masuk fountain tu...basah basah =.=
they laughed at me so hard and aku rasa malu gila... +.+
then beli some stuffs kat garden, balik ke mid, beli neck tie untuk abah. coz the day before yesterday was his birthday. :D
walaupun tie tak semahal mane, tapi tak kisah la.. janji ade makna... and die takkan tau harga tie tu XD
arrive at home at 9... and abah happy sangat dapat tie tu... maklumlah, anak tak ramai, birthday setahun sekali, jarang dapat hadiah kan... :')
ok thats all about yesterday. bye2 have a nice day readers :)
went there to watch Ironman 2, damn gila ramai beratur nak beli ticket. lucky kitorang dah order ticket 3 days before, so takyah q :D
Ironman 2 was great and awwweeeeeeeesomeeeee... cool gile kot iron suit tu... great CGI and story line... love it, 5 star. its a MUST WATCH MOVIE of 2010 :D
bes gile kalau jadi Tony Stark tu... multi-millionaire, great house and great cars... great tech in his garage.
then after that, went to sushi king, kali ketiga aku makan sushi... okay im addicted with it now... rasa nak lagi. nak try semua... sedap kot.. cume wasabi sux. prefer no wasabi and just soy sauce... bill die pun baik punyaaaaaa, but idc... =x
jalan2, cari tag untuk bag sekolah, tak jumpe apa yang aku nak. semua caption tak bes, oh and ayeez najib mus had to go home early coz their parents will be mad if its too late... so left nizar me and najmi... on the way to Gardens, i want to show my friends a trick...
the trick is, walk on the water, kan on the way to gardens ade fountain...
so yeah, time tu lantai basah coz baru lepas hujan. i called nizar and najmi nak suruh dorang tengok, skali nak stop, tetibe kaki tergelincir lak... habis jatuh masuk fountain tu...basah basah =.=
they laughed at me so hard and aku rasa malu gila... +.+
then beli some stuffs kat garden, balik ke mid, beli neck tie untuk abah. coz the day before yesterday was his birthday. :D
walaupun tie tak semahal mane, tapi tak kisah la.. janji ade makna... and die takkan tau harga tie tu XD
arrive at home at 9... and abah happy sangat dapat tie tu... maklumlah, anak tak ramai, birthday setahun sekali, jarang dapat hadiah kan... :')
ok thats all about yesterday. bye2 have a nice day readers :)
May 1, 2010
farid bob
semalam, hari terakhir Bob kat jess ni... farid, i doakan u dapat life yang lebih baik di sekolah baru u... kajang utama, u jangan nakal2 tau. jangan buat hal... i doa u jadi hotstuff kat sana and girls gilakan u :')
jaga diri baik2... i akan rindu u... jangan kene trick macam yang da kene tahun ni :')
and last skali, jangan lupakan i tau... kuar ajak... =x
yeah its true, farid kene buang, lepas ni dah takda dah muka dia... rindu la korang kat dia lepas ni. dia la yang buat skola jadi hangat and ada cerita. lepas ni sunyi dah la...
friday, last day tu... touching kot... farid lepas rehat langsung tak masuk kelas. die merayau lepak sorang2 kat mane tah. merenung nasib die cakap =x
aku nampak die dari jauh, tapi taknak tego... but before balik, lepak ngan die jap kat toilet, die cite la macam2. sedih dengar. die taktau nak g skola mane. harapan bagi die kajang utama la, tu la paling okay... die taknak j2 atau j3 sebab ade member2 die... then time agama, farid masuk bilik APD, die usha sekeliling, tak cakap sepatah, pastu cikgu datang kat die. cakap2 kat die kasi support and everything to calm him down. puan ilmiah baik, die penyokong kuat farid rupanya, i like her :')
then farid dah ok, dia masuk bilik, mintak maaf kat semua orang, then mira and thirah nangis. auwwwwww...
aku usha surat pembuangan farid, tengok kesalahan2 yang dia dah buat, gosh ada kesalahan yang tak betol kot... BANYAK... damn banyak. cikgu buat cite kot... tak guna, memang some cikgu saje nak buang dia... well, takleh buat pape dah la... tak elok cite semua benda yang cikgu tuduh tu... aku tau ada stalker/reader yang akan bagitau cikgu... lagipun benda da lepas kaaaaaan...
well, goodluck farid. ill miss you. we all will miss you and i already did miss u :')
best and fun to be with, gay :D
jaga diri baik2... i akan rindu u... jangan kene trick macam yang da kene tahun ni :')
and last skali, jangan lupakan i tau... kuar ajak... =x
yeah its true, farid kene buang, lepas ni dah takda dah muka dia... rindu la korang kat dia lepas ni. dia la yang buat skola jadi hangat and ada cerita. lepas ni sunyi dah la...
friday, last day tu... touching kot... farid lepas rehat langsung tak masuk kelas. die merayau lepak sorang2 kat mane tah. merenung nasib die cakap =x
aku nampak die dari jauh, tapi taknak tego... but before balik, lepak ngan die jap kat toilet, die cite la macam2. sedih dengar. die taktau nak g skola mane. harapan bagi die kajang utama la, tu la paling okay... die taknak j2 atau j3 sebab ade member2 die... then time agama, farid masuk bilik APD, die usha sekeliling, tak cakap sepatah, pastu cikgu datang kat die. cakap2 kat die kasi support and everything to calm him down. puan ilmiah baik, die penyokong kuat farid rupanya, i like her :')
then farid dah ok, dia masuk bilik, mintak maaf kat semua orang, then mira and thirah nangis. auwwwwww...
aku usha surat pembuangan farid, tengok kesalahan2 yang dia dah buat, gosh ada kesalahan yang tak betol kot... BANYAK... damn banyak. cikgu buat cite kot... tak guna, memang some cikgu saje nak buang dia... well, takleh buat pape dah la... tak elok cite semua benda yang cikgu tuduh tu... aku tau ada stalker/reader yang akan bagitau cikgu... lagipun benda da lepas kaaaaaan...
well, goodluck farid. ill miss you. we all will miss you and i already did miss u :')
best and fun to be with, gay :D
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