June 27, 2010

yaw yaw

yaw yaw yoooo this is life yoooo bear with it. theres nothing u can do.
people come and go,
shit happens yo,
boredom attacks yo,
this is fated yo,
there are things we can do and cant do yo.
makin hari makin matang yo~
and then u'll feel nyampah with everyone yo~

ok esok anaqi takde, this is very bad. a big lost to us. to our gang, members.
i'll miss him, his tummy, his mamak, his jokes, his perli, his offence words.
everything about him. dannnggggg. i hope dia tak lupe la member sini. still contact kitorang. aku cakap camni sebab hes different. hes good and i feel great with him but then he has to go. well apa boleh buat yo. its for his future yo.
well harap aku takda la rasa sunyi sangat bile dia takda ni. die bes :')

teenage, sixteen. according to research, it is normal when u feel veeeeery far apart from ur friends who used to close with u. well this is what i feel right now, with my schoolmate, my batch. idk why. tapi aku rasa macam dah tak rapat and my instinct says dnt close with my batch, rasa macam magnet sama kutub saling menolak, except my gang. my gang tu dah memang rapat takleh separate dah i think :')
ermmm aku agak terasa sebab orang cakap aku sombong and dah kurang layan dorang. ouch, really, OUCH. dulu aku leh sampuk perbualan anyone dengan senang, now susah gile. dulu macam tau everything, now satu habuk pun pasal dorang aku taktau. very ketinggalan. right now macam dah tak biase and tak rapat and even tak kenal each other. well im sorry, not my fault. ive changed a lot this year, effect dari puberty 5 years ago kot. lol. bukan aku tak kisah, tapi entah la, xtau describe, aku lagi rapat ngan kawan luar dari schoolmate sendiri. tu yang aku rasa la. im so so sorry rasa guilty lak, yela mane taknye, kene 'hit' tubi2 ngan perkataan 'sombong' and 'tak rapat'.

ermmm thats all for now. malas doh tulis blog, asek busy main photoshop and sims 3 and drawing. yeah, wasting time memang nombor 1. =.=
ok bye have a nice day

June 23, 2010

Maee balik!!!!!!!!!

yes! maee dah balik! anak cina kitaaaaa. cina otai jalan 4 woooooooooaaaa...
macam tak caye je. pagi tadi gi sekolah, and then nampak die ngan mirul.
i stop for few seconds, and think 'is that maee for sure?'
'oh shit its really him omg wtf is he doing here? is he coming back? is he going to stay here for sure?'
than he answered all and i feel like wtf i cant believe it.
waaaaa terbaik ah. gosh i really miss him, so badly. member kot en. lepas die blah sekolah jadi tak bes dulu, now die datang balik. i bet sekolah jadi meriah sikit.
seriously, terkejut and happy gile nak lompat2 die balik en hahahaha
i know its like a kid getting toy from his parents. but thats what i felt this morning.

anaqi nak blah, then maee masuk. aaaaa release tension sikit. dulu rase cam frust and rasa macam nak boring kot time anaqi bagitau die nak blah. everyone's sad about him leaving this school. but then maee come back, masing2 melompat ceria and dah tak marah sangat naqi nak blah hahaha

nothing much to write, im just saying bout this comeback.
i still cant believe it. its like a miracle, idk, but this feeling, i dont know how to describe it. ade member datang balik en hahaha off course happy :D
now semangat bersekolah dah naik sikit. at least ade benda yang boleh 'CERIA' kan sekolah, dari pandang muke2 cikgu yang boring, doing homework, and takde benda yang best.
i hope anaqi datang balik la sekolah ni, harap dia tak tahan asrama ceeee XD

June 21, 2010

everything's back to normal

school, daily routine, sleep time, lunch hour, dinner, evening time, tasks, homeworks and many more. haih i dont feel like im ready to do this again.
i just dont have the spirit yet =.=
i want more holidays! more day off, more breaks. i demand rest! rest...
i enjoyed the previous holidays and still, craving for more, unsatisfied.

waking up in the morning, shower, light breakfast, in the car on the way to school, study, meet teachers and friends, home, buy lunch, relax for a while, sleep, shower, dinner, do homeworks/study, relax, 2 am sleep. +.+
those are what i do everyday, during weekdays.
pretty boring huh? well for u, not to me.

and today's the first day after the long 2 weeks of holidays. aaaaaa cool day~ i love it. windy and cloudy. thought its going to run but not. im hoping for rain in the evening. school stuffs - ustad ropi cut my hair, hmmm now i feel like Tiger Woods. seriously, rambot sebijik. and got my chemistry, and english. both are just oooookaaaaay.

okay not much to say here. thats all, kind of lazy to write. dah lama tak bukak blog, taktau asal hahaha takde time kot, busy doing stuffs, have a nice day stalkers and readers.

June 16, 2010

darn how to stop following blogs =.=

sheeeesssh. camne nak stop follow blog orang hah?
banyak sangat 'rubbish' aku follow, rase nyemak je. nak kemaskan profile nih.
masalah la blogger, takleh 'stop follow'.tekan banyak kali pun still ade gak, still following =.=
annoying kot. anyone, help?
ape2 care pun, tell me. just nak stop following those useless blogs yang dah lama tak update and tak bes untuk dibace. =x

June 15, 2010

saturday 12june10

i met Bank Negara's Governor, Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz at my father's office. Bank Negara. celebrate pelajar cemerlang of upsr, pmr, spm, pra-u =]
before this jumpe die gak, untuk anugerah upsr and dapat duit *ching ching ;]*
now jumpe die lagi, die she kinda like my hair. die macam trkejut tengok afro besar hahahaha
shes nice :)
die kasi duit lagi~ dapat rm600. thank you tan sri and bank negara for your kindness and generousity. its very good to work with, my father's very lucky to have a sit there. satu family dapat enjoy =]
and lepas receive anugerah tu, pegi makan kat cafeteria lak.
then home~
thats all i did on that day.
right now tunggu anugerah pelajar cemerlang dari TNB lak, office mak aku haaaa cant wait money money i really enjoy having and receiving big moneeyhhh~

The blog is open back =]

yes, blog ni dah open balik. i've deleted some of older posts, offensive and ridiculous one.
life has been great so far. this holiday is very relaxing and im really enjoying it. takda masalah, everything's been solved, nicely, well not really. tapi dah elok ngan everyone =]

tengok, senang je settle. paham pun. discuss elok2, nape buat and blablabla, done. and then treat them =]
everything will turn to worse if its done in a rush or rash or both. =x

what i do this holiday ;
edit some people's face which i enjoyed the most,
hangout with friends,
catching up movies at cinema,
watch all the movies i missed,
relaxing at home.

eventhough it's not much, but i really love this holiday.

some of my friends didnt invite me to go out, well but its ok. dah tak rapat pun ngan dorang, gang bola kan. aku mane main bola. plus, ade enemy aku. so yeah lucky dorang paham nape aku malas layan dorang. well tak kisah la kawan same skolah dah lupe, at least i got friends from other school which i like more.

so, hah, taktau nak tulis ape dah. before this banyak idea nak tulis, tapi dah lupe lak =.=
haa hmm overall, this holiday is great and i like it. have a nice day and enjoy your life my dear readers =]


so, today me, faiz, hazrul and anaqi hang out at bukit bintang till 10pm :D
but wait! anaqi had to go home early, at 8 hes already gone, so left me hazrul and faiz.

let me tell from the beginning, first me and faiz watched a movie at pavillion, The Karater Kid. that movie was awesomeeee the fight was marvellous and so cool.
then at 2.30, we had our lunch. but before that, muhsin and nana told me that theyre going to follow us but they didnt. so only me and faiz, at 4, hazrul came :D
shisha together-gether till idk what time, anaqi called and ask us to come pavi to meet him. then sampai kat pavi, die cakap die kat sungai wang lak. =.=
palat bape kali nak ulang pavi-sg.wang la. keling tol naqi ni hahaha
then lepak rooftop, shisha lagi :D
2 kali hahaha faiz hisap sampai mabuk nak pengsan, dada dah berat penuh ngan asap. gile2 hah die hahah aku takdepun camtu lol. then lepak BB plaza jap, rehat2, anaqi balik.
then pegi pavi balik, nak tengok bola, pastu,
faiz treat us at a fancy italian restaurant, Michelangelo at pavi and watch football match there. match of netherland and denmark. restaurant tu cam ape je hahaha waitress die, kitorang order lain, lain yang dapat. haih tempat da class tapi slack worker die je haiyo.
but nvm la, makanan die sedap and cepat kenyang :D
then pukul 10, sampai kl sentral, faiz tak sabar nak balik so die kering je bayar taxi sampai kajang hahah rm65 hah amek kau. tapi xpe lah, faiz dah penat sangat kan.
dapat driver taxi tu race pulak en. punya nak mati ah die drive laju gile nak mampos risau aku accident je =.=
tapi syok doh die bawak laju woot woot!
sampai ktm kajang around 11, tunggu train, 11.30 sampai ukm. hah then balik.
thanks faiz blanje fancy rest. and taxi :D
i owe u a lot pal :')