June 27, 2010

yaw yaw

yaw yaw yoooo this is life yoooo bear with it. theres nothing u can do.
people come and go,
shit happens yo,
boredom attacks yo,
this is fated yo,
there are things we can do and cant do yo.
makin hari makin matang yo~
and then u'll feel nyampah with everyone yo~

ok esok anaqi takde, this is very bad. a big lost to us. to our gang, members.
i'll miss him, his tummy, his mamak, his jokes, his perli, his offence words.
everything about him. dannnggggg. i hope dia tak lupe la member sini. still contact kitorang. aku cakap camni sebab hes different. hes good and i feel great with him but then he has to go. well apa boleh buat yo. its for his future yo.
well harap aku takda la rasa sunyi sangat bile dia takda ni. die bes :')

teenage, sixteen. according to research, it is normal when u feel veeeeery far apart from ur friends who used to close with u. well this is what i feel right now, with my schoolmate, my batch. idk why. tapi aku rasa macam dah tak rapat and my instinct says dnt close with my batch, rasa macam magnet sama kutub saling menolak, except my gang. my gang tu dah memang rapat takleh separate dah i think :')
ermmm aku agak terasa sebab orang cakap aku sombong and dah kurang layan dorang. ouch, really, OUCH. dulu aku leh sampuk perbualan anyone dengan senang, now susah gile. dulu macam tau everything, now satu habuk pun pasal dorang aku taktau. very ketinggalan. right now macam dah tak biase and tak rapat and even tak kenal each other. well im sorry, not my fault. ive changed a lot this year, effect dari puberty 5 years ago kot. lol. bukan aku tak kisah, tapi entah la, xtau describe, aku lagi rapat ngan kawan luar dari schoolmate sendiri. tu yang aku rasa la. im so so sorry rasa guilty lak, yela mane taknye, kene 'hit' tubi2 ngan perkataan 'sombong' and 'tak rapat'.

ermmm thats all for now. malas doh tulis blog, asek busy main photoshop and sims 3 and drawing. yeah, wasting time memang nombor 1. =.=
ok bye have a nice day

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