September 28, 2010

u dont have to come and confess, we're lookin for u~ we gon find u~

sape kenal Antoine Dodson? sape kenal sape kenal? kalau kenal, good, ull get this joke xD
kepada sape yang tak kenal, well tengok vid ni 1st, hes very famous for his errr pondan behaviour xD
her sister nearly got rape by intruder and antoine sempat save his sister. just tengok!

disebabkan behaviour Antoine tu, he immediately got the internet's attention. masing2 make fun of him. sampai ade buat lagu pasal dia tu xD
ok watch this one!

daaaaamn epic win, win win win!
autotune effect, damn funny, gregory brothers win! XD

new look at Equal X :D

yeah bebeeeeeeh. now dah senang nak design template blogspot. dulu susah bukan main lagi. tak reti aku. atau aku malas explore dulu =.=
well waaaaa i like the new look. very.colourful. hoping the readers will sakit mata.
the all new aliprosli blogspot, half personal+half photoblog. hope readers would enjoy reading my shitz and i'll make this blog more interesting, full of shitz.
so enjoy, have a nice day readers :@)

imma turn

imma turn this blog into semi photoblog, half personal+half art = kaboom!.
as the starting, errr this photo will be errr the appetiser!

yesterday i feel so inspired, unoccupied, tired and full but cant sleep. so i set up my camera, put it on the tripod, snap snap gambar banyak2, tengok weather outside, hujan and the sky was blue, soft blue. rasa cantik sangat, i enjoy tengok nature ni, then tambah dengan lampu oren.
my fav colours are soft blue yang nak jadi purple, and orange. i think orange and purple mix perfectly, both are soft colour and er entah. i like em.

so this picture is about errr idk, a lonely gay who is craving for his girlfriend's love. opps ex. hes very lonely hes got no friends, he does have friends but none of em are close and understand him. he likes to be alone and quiet. the only person he ever close with was his ex, now his ex has someone else and that really crushed his heart. now all he got is, empty. he feels empty, lonely, sinking in a black hole, his life has changed. bright turns to dark, cheer turns to sorrow and gloomy all day, active to quiet, he's lost his life. he poured all his life to the ex and now that girl is gone.

AUWWWWWWWWWWWWWW photoblog photoblog auwww this has nothing to do with me. just reka cite utk gambar tu lol


a normal day to me but still cool as usual ok crap =.=
aaaahhh ok cite nanti =x
hari ni bedol lak tak datang, yesterday ali yang tak datang. ali boleh pulak tak gi sekolah pastu gi KL ngan family, bersuka ria, buat hair saloon sume tu. as if cuti je that day. still had fun and lots of laughter walaupun bedol takda. well bahan cikgu je la, dok kat blakang, borak... ahhhhh parents gaduh dengan siblings, dengar mak mengadu sume tu. duhhh rasa macam kesian gila and like watafak ah, pasal taknak cooperate, masing2 taknak jaga nenek, jadi hal besar dah. sampai nak putuskan hubungan semua. lagi kesian nenek, nanti takda siapa nak jaga dia since maid nak balik, sure mak aku kena jaga. tambah penat lagi la, its ok nenek stay with us, dari duduk kampung lonely, yang aku marah tu sebab ade orang tu taknak cooperate. guna duit, mintak duit reti, minta pass duit bukan main susah. dah la bukan milik dia duit tu. gosh poor nenek. kene makan dengan anak sendiri.
well whatever, im always ready to hear and help my mom dari segi emosional blablabla, ok quit crapping. >.>

so, pegi dentist hari ni, doctor tanya, 'ni mane hilang wire bawah?', 'wire bawah tu trtanggal sndiri doc', 'yeke trtanggal sndiri? tak penah dengar lak, getah hold wire tu steady je.', 'ok la actually hari tu kat skolah, 3 getah trcabut cos makan roti', 'ohh, getah je kan?', 'getah trcabut then wire terjuntai, rasa tak slesa and cucuk gum, so saya cabut', 'oooo. so hari ni tukar wire lah. kene la sakit for this week', *dalam hati ' watafak watafak'*
dengan hati kecewa, getting ready to face the pain again, balik pegi kedai beli soft food.

ok fag rasa uncomfortable ah braces ni. haih nanti jadi gila la. migraine, then naik angin macam pmpuan period xD
im tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. ah

September 19, 2010

unexpected deeeeyyy

aaaaaahhh what a dayyyy. im so tired tapi takleh tido lak. melayan ade sorang ni khrkhrkhr merepek, then stop, then continue, then stop. then continue balik chat. aaaaaaa
macam ape je hari ni, tak expect lak.
hari ni g beraya rumah kawan jalan 3, dayah. kat situ jumpe alep, nami, naim, amar, amnan, fana, as, chua, aaaa rmai lagi lah. mencanak nak tulis hahaha
lama tak jumpe dorang, its good that they still remember me auwwwwwww. main congkak and amek gambar banyak2, rogol amar, then the best part is i get to drive dayah's car, kancil. fuh at 1st rasa tak biasa cos gear dia tak betul. susah nak masuk.
then dah biasa, layaaaaan. jadi driver, hantar everyone ke sana sini, pihak wanita YEEEE pihak wanita, tumpang alya.dorang tak berani naik aku, anis cakap die tak sempat buat maksiat lagi, taknak mati lol sengal xD
risau tengok amar bawak, gear asek buat bunyi je macam nak rosak. dayah lak lepas clutch cepat sangat kete melompat sipi lagi nak langgar. gosh +__+
lucky tak jadi.
from dayah->anis->alep->fana(tak sempat masuk pun cos we're late)->rusydina alia's...
hahah aku tak kenal alia ni, tapi since dah stuck ngan girls tu, pegi je la. and hasif suruh aku teman. well aku kenal la alia ni, tapi kenalan je la. never talked b4. her house is nice~ aku ngan hasif sakit hati menunggu girls ni, tah ape lama sangat kat dalam. hahaha bia lah. then at 8 balik la, abg hasif hantar ah finally, segan aku dok kat rumah orang tak kenal lama2. >.>
the best part of todaaaaaaaaayyy isssssss, drive kete wtf kalau drive ngan bapak mane bebas uuuu ni layan je. mak dayah baik gila ah kasi kete senang2 kat kawan. xD

September 16, 2010

flowers in high contrast effect

flowers~ flowers flowers flowers~
so much beauty in life,
shining on the outside but empty on the inside.
im blinded by the beauteeeeeyyhhh,
hopelessly falling in love~ helplessly falling into your eyes~
ok thats gay enough. i just love this photos and want to share with everyone =]

to the saujana opnhouses~

went to saujana impian today and had great times with cool friends and internet friends :D
1st ayeez's house, then mustafa's, then finally puteri's hahah while at puteri's paling segan since im the only outsider there and nizar's not there to accompany me as always. hes busy with his relatives' openhouses.
the weather was so hot i wanna shit in my pants lol jk. lots of things we do, play card game, taking pictures, eat, shit, drink lol naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
fag idk what to say. may the pictures explain it all =x
i have a new addiction, saying ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuk and khrkhrkhr.
i feel sorry for ayeez, pasal die ngn gf die. they had misunderstanding and i hope theyre ok right now. it'd very sad to see ur friends having break up, like my brother and his gf. +.+
oh heh ok lah readers, thanks for reading. byebyeeeee

September 14, 2010

rayaaaaa hoooo rayaaaa

hey there, its nice to meet u,
happy to see u doing well,
smiling in every picture,
not me, its been a hell to me =x
hey man it must be nice to be u,
tell me what its like on the other side :D
(from 'in between lights' by ryan cabrera)

so hello hye yaw waddup readers :D
selamat hari raya aidilfitri and maaf zahir batin!
ampun maaf dipinta dari hujung rambot ke hujung kaki, seluruh anggota =p
tersinggung langsung or tak langsung/sengaja or tak sengaja
perkara lama dilupakan, buka buku baru :D
ok fag im nt like this, im nt good at saying wishes.
tapi betol la, i mean it this one =x

raya oo raya~ everyone nampak happy dlm setiap gambar, cume some people je yang same mcm aku. tak enjoy sangat. haih idk la i think im too old ceee naaaah i dnt enjoy raya much this time. rasa mcm palat hahah raya taun ni mcm tak bes, tak visit banyak relatives, cousin dah tua and tak dapat get along sangat, duit raya sikit, kampung filthy. im nt saying that kampung is very horrible or anything, cume this time sume tak kena. =.=
rasa stress kot dok kampung, walaupun 4 hari je. gugur rambot dok sane, darah pun naik (test ngan alat yg measure blood pressure ari tu =x)
seriously, tak enjoy langsung raya taun ni >.>
boooooooooooosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. jumpe cousin borak2 kejap pastu blah.
makan2 pastu ngantuk pastu tido. borak2 dengan nenek pastu tengok tv.
baring atas katil bace magazine pastu amek gambar. main laptop & internet depan tv pastu dengar mp3.
gila takde life doh kalau seumur hidup aku camtu...............................
tak banyak benda la taun ni, semangat raya dah kurang and aku mula anti kampung lol.
1st day raya org bermaaf-maafan and try to get along with each other, aku lak naik angin pastu melepas kat abah and abg aku khrkhrkhrkhr sume sbb abg aku.
tu kat pinang.
kat nogori pulak, sunyiiiii jeee. coooool je. balik nogori time raya ke-4, of course la dah takda orang en kat kampung. tu yang sunyi je, yang ade nenek and maid die je. kat nogori mood aku baik lak. rasa rindu lak ngan wan, kak nila dah nak balik indon huhu. pastu visit rumah kakak mak aku lak, situ pun senyap je. ade 3 org je..

neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh bapak ah rasa cam ape je doh raya kali ni. bosan gila nak mati lah. tengok org lain post photos kat fb, gambar raya, dorang main mercun and amek gambar family sume tu, aku tak jeles pun. sbb smangat raya dah mcm ape +.+
bawak camera balik kg, amek gambar cousins sume tu, tapi diri sndiri takda. so yeah aku takde dalam gambar. trbaik en. well thats just me, being side character in everyone's life. sucks doh, baik aku dok rumah tido and do my things.

September 7, 2010

to pavi and nothing except wayang and stupid indon

hello hye readers, how was ur day?
mine pretty fun. i played my old online game and met old friends in there. its been a while we havent chat. i kinda miss them, the old time, where everyone in the game do this and that, while our ym in conference, opening the mic and swear shits and stuffs hahaha

so, yesterday i went to pavi with hazrul, akmal, and faiz and joined bob and the gang;maee naim khalid cotek and ramai lagi.
pegi sana ingat nak cari baju, tengok2 takda. eff, its too late... the one that i want dah habis for this season. sux man sux.
tengok Step Up 3d dannnggg gempak sial adam sevani terbaik. well, dia pun dah lama dance since joining ACDC (adam/chu dancing crew). i like that robot guy, the articulations and his moves, waaa amaaazinnngg cantik gila macam robot wtf im amazed, im amazed :')
at the same time sakit mata pakai glass 3d tu urh tak comfortable la.
time berbuka la paling susah. cari meja! daaaang cina ramai pulak, taktau asal.
last2 me and akmal ditch everyone and go buy our berbuka meal ourselves.
Breadtalk <3 kenyang gak makan roti je. jimat duit takyah makan mcd ke ape :')
then after maghrib prayer, yes we did our prayer, aku tak puas hati, so we go to TS to find my cloth. meeeh kat ts blambak baju tu, tapi kain dia tak bes and brand tah pape. tak perkenan aku >.>
then nak balik tu, trouble pulak. kitorang dah nak sampai KL Sentral, then hazrul call, die cakap dia takda duit nak balik and everyone had left him alone at pavi wtf.
sebabkan rasa kesian and die member, kitorang patah balik go to Imbi, and sponsor him.
damn what a pain in the ass, camne dia leh kene tinggal sorang2 la. and lagi satu, asal la bawak duit ciput sangat, beli tiket pun takda. oh well biar la, that time rasa marah tapi right now dah tak kisah dah. i may have lost time but its ok coz we're not in a rush. just pissed off sebab penat. kalau tak hazrul dok sorang2 la kat pavi, waiting for his brother untuk amek +.+
nothing special this time, except that hazrul thingy.

eh indon. indon babi pantat. indon ugly sial. tak guna bitch.
aku marah gila ngan indon smalam, we q-ed for almost 10 min at the kl sentral monorail otw to pavi, then tetibe minah indon tetibe dari nowhere potong line and masuk depan aku. babi. dah la buruk, pakai bedak tebal, bibir besar gigi pecah2, pakai sexy, ingat cantik sangat. pantat pukimak potong line tak guna, indon ni tak habis2 buat orang marah. hell yeah aku rasa nak blasah je, tak kisah la pmpuan ke laki, shes so ugly and takda sivik i wanna kill her. sapa tak marah kalau da q for 10 min then senang2 org potong line? bodoh nye indon, ape yang die kejar entah lah,padahal naik monorail sama ngan aku gak. takda sapa trlambat/trlepas pun.
itulah indon, kat negara dorang balik taik and bakar bendera kita, tunjuk benci sama malaysia, tapi pecah masuk gak negara ni. jadi PATI. datang malaysia ckp nak keje, tapi pergi merompak, main sihir, buat kacau. bodoh. benci2 tapi buat gak. dasar tak sedar diri jahanam bodoh. bitch.
ok done.
im done, no good panjangkan lagi eventhough hati still tak puas hati.
oh well sorry for those harsh words. >.>

September 3, 2010

oh happy holidays =]

so today is the last day before raya holidays and it was awesomeeee. i brought my camera and took lots of pictures, over than 300 photos hahah now i know why people like to take pictures at the same place over and over again and they enjoy doing it =x

tak ramai datang hari ni. dah agak dah, lagi2 lpas exam, sure orang nak santai kat rumah en. tapi asalkan ada geng, cukup la, leh gelak sampai mati =x
everything was okay but not until english~ teacher masuk with 'bad weather' dia, making storms~ sheeeesh tulis dengan pensil kat paper objective pun jadi big issue. bukannya tak nampak pun or kitorang tukar jawapan. since she hold the paper, theres no way we could change the answers.
oh well never mind that, im happy with my math paper, 86. oh what a bless, paper senang =]
and ali said i get 70+ for lk paper aaaaaaa 2uwicu4n3oqwhcuiwnc blessing gila. dah la hari tu tak buat 2 questions, harap2 betol la ape yang ali cakap tu. he told me, with his serious face, im sure he wasnt joking.

well, taktau nak tulis ape lagi. the above pictures, i likeeee, its good to have everyone in one frame :')
malas online doh skarang. right now im addicted to an old game, Age of Empires 3, macam DoTA, layan siaaaaaaaaaaaaaal. its a strategy game. aaaah im out bye2