January 23, 2010

Adab ketika makan.

har har... ha ha ha...
okaaaaaaayyy... ADAB KETIKA MAKAN.. haih aku.. eee aaarrgghh aaaa benci tol la orang makan tak beretika nih.. haiyaaa...
aku boleh naik angin tau tak...
aku nyampah makan ngan orang =.=
ok hari ni mood tak baik sangat, so.. sorry...

okay, firstly...paling nyampah skali, makan brbunyi =.=
aiseeehhh macam pantat nape some people makan berbunyi hah?
bising tau tak... orang time makan, nak senyap, peace and relaxing..
baru enjoy makan... tapi ni makan *om nom nom nom**nyam nyam nyam*
weeeeh wtf takleh ke tutup mulut tu?
kunyah tutup mulut! dah la nampak makanan dlm mulut tu hancur2, pastu *nom nom nom* lagi... haih rasa nak lempang je mulut tu...
mengganggu orang tau tak ngan bunyi kunyah tu...
TAPI, ade pengecualian la kalau makan kat tempat yg suasana die bising...
sebab bunyi *nomnomnom* tu tak dengar...bunyi nom nom nom yang annoying..

second, makan tak tutup mulut... ni tak kisah sangat la coz time makan kite mana pandang mulut orang en... pandang makanan...
tapiiiiiii, still... tutup la mulut tu... geli doh nampak makanan dalam mulut tu...
hancur2 and kadang2 ade makanan terkuar2 dari mulut tu =.=

then, ketiga... hmmmm cakap time makan... well haa ni less nyampah la...
i enjoy chatting during having meal... tapi kalau boleh jangan la berborak time makan..
kalau nak borak gak, make sure ur mouth is not full...
kalau tak, nanti tak paham ape yang disebut tu =.=

*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh* lepas minum air...
gaaaaah gosssh dahaga mane pun, nape mesti ade 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah'...
bodoh annoying sial... da minum air tu, da telan, lepaskan nafas dah la...
exhale~~ do not say 'aaaaaaah'... bising tau tak...

ok overall, hmmm lagi baik makan sorang atau kat tempat yang bising..
supaya tak dengar bunyi2 annoying time makan tu =.=
okay im really sensitive but no hard feeling... kepada sesapa yang demikian..
bukan nak kutuk, tapi try improve yourself... cara anda makan itu begitu annoying and tak kena... u may think im 'sombong', but, thats me... i enjoy silence

January 20, 2010

sedarkah anda bahawa anda bodoh sombong? XD

anda sedarkah? =x
well hahahah nyampah nak mampus sial...
english hancur, bajet speaking ngan aku...
dah lah tak pandai, bodoh sombong sial...
u added me and be nice la!
baik takyah add...
what was ur pmr result again? 4a 4b? huahuahua
taknak tunduk lagi huh? ingat diri ko besar la?
muke tebal, i like that... and bongkak =D
ingat diri ko tu cun sangat la? ramai laki kejar ko la?
eleh laki yang kejar ko tu pun laki murah2 je aku tengok..
rempit-rempit kot~~ takde class....
ingat ko ni high sangat la sbb ramai laki kejar?
huahuahua, dah la asik2 jiwang, bajet touching with guys...
'benci u la, slalu permainkan i la, blablabla'
well hahaha obviously anda dipermainkan oleh lelaki...
pmpuan murah macam kau~ senang dipermainkan, senang diperbodohkan...
ikot je laki mane hahaha murahan...
bodoh sombong, bongkak, murahan.. opps bape kali u tukar boyfriends?
6? owh wow... 4 times get dumped by ur man... oh wow wow awek hot ni uuuu wow =x
wahai pmpuan, tunduklah kepada aku... kepada semua orang.. ceee =x
sesungguhnya anda ni bangang.. sorry yah =x
macam high standard je ko nih padahal murah2 je hahahaa

ok enough =x
its fun to reveal someone's personality... another myspace user yang seronok dipermainkan... =x
add me, be nice with me... dont cause trouble... what? add me and do nothing? its MYspace, so i can do anything i want =x

January 19, 2010

crash and burn

Can we not fight no more ,
I don’t wanna feel the pain we've caused .

Feeling like the only one ,
Know you're here but I still feel alone.

Pilot to copilot baby we burnin up ,
Adding fuel to the fire, we’re ruining our love ,
Memories of what you used to be keep telling me ,
I can’t let you go .

Instinct says I’m where I need to be ,
And I bet you’re feeling the same way as me .

Look at how far we have come ,
We still can get it back, we still can get it back ,
The damage can all be undone ,
We'll just take baby steps, we'll just take baby steps.

crash and burn ~

taken from Crash and burn lyric, as made famous by Jesse Mccartney

this post has its own meaning, so please dont 'flame'

January 17, 2010

Alamanda today and Spy Next Door

woot went to Alamanda!
akmal hafeez tibe2 call pkol 10.30 and ajak keluar,
terus mandi and then die pick...
arrived at 11.20... :D
straight ke cinema, buy ticket... mula2 tengok Paranormal Activity, ill make a review bout that movie later.... dont want to remember any part of the movie cos that movie is fucking scary as hell eventhough no ghost show up...

jalan2 makan2, watch paranormal activity and then g smayang...
buy Spy Next Door tiket and enter movie hall...

okay Spy Next Door, jackie chan, as Bob Ho, he work as spy and wants to retire...
but he cant, coz ade penjenayah ni got away and hes workmate yang buatkan penjenayah tu terlepas...
at the same time Bob suke this girl and she got 3 children...
the family got into Bob's issue... that penjenayah and his gang, and the spy traitor yang kasi die lepas tu, cari Bob untuk settle =x
fight fight~~ the evil side loses... and happy ending~
at 1st the kids tak suke Bob, sebab Bob nampak nerd...
but after knowing Bob work as spy, they like him and Bob marry to that woman..
the end...
overall, hmmm cite tu tak bes... jokes die dah biasa... selalu sangat joke camtu kluar...the action? haa cool but not impressive... 3 stars for that movie... :D
next movie, Toothfairy, Adnan Sempit, Wolfman, Vampires Assistant.... 1st of all, ALICE IN WONDERLAND!

January 15, 2010

i want you

knowing you and then, having you is the best thing i ever had.... loving you is so difficult at first, getting your attention is almost impossible at first, i need to know you better... give me time... oppss i mean, give us time... =x
im not good at explaining... i want you to read my mind, know what im thinking about you... feel what i felt for you... you are my light of my life...
im not easy to fall for girl, only you can... all i want is you... you're my dream girl, i want you for my birthday... can you make that happen? =]
i'll try hard to make you happy lolololol =x

influenced by Domyouji Tsukasa from Hana Yori Dango series, season 2

i am, empty human

haaaaaaaaaaaaa hellow readers... +.+

i cant hold this longer, i cant stand... no soul in this body of mine, emotionless, boring, im going down... my life has been taken.... tiada lagi alip yang dulu riang gembira blablabla i've changed... someone help me, please... cheer me up, make me laugh, give me new life, take me out, watch movie or anything...
she gave me life and hopes, but then, she take it back... empty body... day by day, months after months, almost one year... i want to skip january and februari and march... nothing lasts forever...
losing friends, one by one, lost my social abilities, friends has forgotten me, i dont know how to reconnect with them... i lost my sense of humor... fake smiles all the time... no friends can make me smile sincerely... only internet and media can...
soon im going to be a loner... =x
no more pure fun in my life haih
i want to change school but there are no school that suits my spec....
i hate my school, i hate to see them... i rather be blind so i wont see them...
those two persons, the only black spot in my heart... +.+
i regret knowing you... it would be better if i ignore you from the beginning... came to my life and started the havoc... thanks for the memories and i am hating you forever... i regret losing you but i am grateful because of... i dont know... its hard to tell...

January 13, 2010

Thanks for the cupcakes Aliza :D

heh yeaaaaaaahhhh aliza baked me cupcakes... sempena pmr 8a hahahaha baru nak kasi sekarang...
but i dont mind hahah thanks yeah aliza... sedap sangat i like the topping...
whats the name? cheese what? hahaha my parents like it too :D
so nice of you hahahaa kind hearted blablabla tall bitch hahahahaah jk =x
hmmmmm she gave me cupcakes, and what im going to give her? haaaa...
idk, suggest guys suggest! :D
thanks aliza, so sedap ur cupcakes :D

my room is so cool, phone signal cant enter my room =.=

alright this is soooooo cool and dumb and idiot and sux and what more?
hahahaha no wonder la phone slalu takda signal, ingatkan rosak ke ape..
siap mintak kat abah nak tukar phone lagi cakap phone ni hampeh takleh receive signal xleh send/receive msg blablabla...
rupa2 nye my room takda signal... kat family room, luar bilik tu elok je 5 bars lagi.. =.=
why my room takda signal phone? because of my sub woofer.. =.=
alright 2 speakers and 1 sub woofer, that beeyatch subwoofer, die cam entah hahah
kalau hidup je, signal takda... kalau mati, signal ade lolololol
how cool is that heh?
so haa, to all my friends hahaha sorry slalu tak reply msg and blablabla tak angkat call..
selama ni ingatkan phone rosak, rupa2 nye bilik ni ha hahahaha blame the sub woofer lol... =x
so, hmmm takyah tukar phone lah... jimat duit abah kan ;]
all hail my sub woofer!!

January 6, 2010

Provoked the teachers :D

so yeah ha ok today, rabu... hari ketiga sekolah 2010...
1 great thing bout today is, puan habsah chose me to talk on forum about, SAYA SAYANG SEKOLAH SAYA...
haa taktau la nape die pilih aku, i said to her that i wont cooperate and say bad things about our school, but she didnt mind and insist me to go in front of the hall...
amalina isyqie, tam ai wei/tam ai wey =x , zikri and arun... pengerusi forum adibah hanani...
okay dibah pilih amalina dulu untuk huraikan pasal sayang sekolah... and blablabla ok reasons and how to prove love to school die memang bagus, kondusif hahah baru tau meaning die =x
then my turn, everyone 'wuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuuuu alip!!!!' hahah macam bodoh especially yang belakang tu =p
terbaik la my gang :D
so, straight forward, 'saya tak suke sekolah ni ye, sebab cikgu2 kat sekolah ni terok2... tak semua la, tapi sesetengah... tapi memang betul pun sebab saya banyak kali kena' then semua wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuu!!!
hahahah xleh blah, i think people agree with me, well hmm maybe not all, but people make noise after i said that... i really have guts o,0
but haha cikgu takleh marah, kata forum, sure bebas kan... kalau bantah, cakap je la.. walaupun tajuk die saya sayang sekolah, tapi nak buat camne, aku tak sayang sekolah en... ;]
then pn.zanariah sebok2 nak amek gambar lepas aku cakap camtu...
pastu 3 orang forum lagi haha zikri, tam, arun, bantah what i said tapi dorang macam tak laku sangat... hahaha...
aaaahh the end... lantak la cikgu nak blacklist ke ape... kalau amik tindakan, haha maknanya dorang takleh terima kritikan... nak pujian je hahaha baru sikit tu... i may be 'zalim' to teachers for saying that, but lantak lah dorang zalim gak...selalu kene tuduh macam2 ngan cikgu, just because i hangout with badasses, tak bermakna i do what they do... just follow and hangout and laugh and chat...

TAKE THAT JESS TEACHERS... the end... aku bukan nak tunjuk besar. :D

January 3, 2010

watched Avatar and Bandslam movie :D

yeah watched 2 movies yesterday, Avatar and Bandslam... Bandslam rocks!
vanessa hudgens tak cute sangat in this movie, so hmmm biase je la...
and die nyanyi tak bes sangat... =x
cite ni pasal sorang mamat ni, pindah to new home and go to his new school,
met with few friends, charlotte, sa5m, basher, omar and haaa ramai lagi..
mamat ni banyak tau pasal music and he was asked to be the manager of one band.... mamat ni banyak tolong and blablabla masuk Bandslam competition, macam battle of the band la... lastly dorang tak menang, tapi ade artis offer die contract hahaha the end =x

tahun baru pengalaman baru ha ha

yeah so, sabtu 3 jan 2010... me, akmal hafeez from sekolah alam shah and his cousin from damansara keluar... first outing of the year, g pavillion...
sampai pavi terus beli ticket movie, Bandslam and Avatar, cite avatar ni pukul 8 haha duration 2h 40m heh =x
tengok Avatar, ok cerita tu bes gak, pasal manusia g planet Pandora and cari bahan mineral, and dorang gune keganasan untuk dapatkan mineral tu... human vs. Na'vi natives...
habis tengok Avatar, omg its 10.40... kitorang cepat2 keluar and g kl monorail... sampai KL Sentral pukul 11... sampai kl sentral je akmal mintak g mcd, sebab lapar...
then, *ding dong* pengumuman pasal train and die cakap, last train to Seremban telah berlepas... me, akmal and cousin akmal, hooo sh*t damn omg holy crap macam takleh caya je..
we missed the last train and yeah, mesti la cuak kan... taktau camne nak balik dah...
then sober sober, lepak mcd hahah borak2 and call my brother, mintak die datang amek from home, bangi -> kl sentral waaah benda paling bes kenekan abang aku hahahaha
kecut telur weh terlepas train, rasa macam ape je hahah ingatkan nak g hotel, hotel depan tu je Hilton Hotel, duit still ade ni hahaha
sampai rumah 2.30 and nasib baik my parents tak marah, dorang ok je :D
thats all the end

January 1, 2010

Hello School, i hate you but i love you

aaaaah sekolah start this 4th why oh why???!!
form 4 2009 start a week after the school start... why form 4 2010 tak buat camtu?
waaaaahhh haaa huaaa not fair, really... nape takda cuti? kitorang da menang anugerah sekolah harian terbaik MALAYSIA! tapi tak dapat reward pape, takda cuti seminggu macam last year form 4, haih... ape plan la pengetua nih.... i hope die kasi something...
hmmm ok one great thing about 2010, my bespreng akmal hafeez masuk sekolah jalan 4. gay la balik aku lepas ni hahaha stick with him 24 hours LOL, die keluar dari sekolah alam shah sebab result die yang 'tak seberapa nak memuaskan'... memang die nak keluar pun dari sekolah tu hahaha
hmm nanti nak amik LK, lukisan kejuruteraan, sebab nak jadi architect...
okay thats all for today, taktau nak tulis ape lagi...
saje je buat post hari ni sebab da lame tak update blog haha taknak kecewakan followers =x
ok bye, see ya at school :D

Sherlock Holmes

alright yesterday went to Mid Valley with my Saujana Impian friends. only 3 of us, me, acap, and delgo... arrived there at 3 and sorry acap and delgo, u waited for me for 2 hours meh? =x
hahaha u guys gerak awal, 1pm. but me 2pm, solat zuhur yeah.. ;]
back to the topic!
ok sherlock holmes... 5 star! it was great! jude law as watson, robert downey junior as sherlock holmes... sherlock waaaah so genius, he can prove everything by scientific way...
haaaa sherlock and watson hunt for Lord Blackwood the so-called-great wizzard, blackwood is not actually a wizzard, but he use tricks, chemical and blablabla haha everyone believed him except sherlock and watson... gaaah im not good at doing reviews so, hmm... 5 star and it is a MUST-WATCH-MOVIE... and yeah this movie is funny as hell too... :D
ok bye fewwwwwhhhhhh
and sorry delgo sebab buat ko balik lambat... sampai ktm wuuu 10pm hahah im okay, my parents wont mind, but u guys la =x

Happy New Year Everyone!

allright, bye bye 2009 and hello 2010... 2009 was my best year in my life and worst year ever... many things and changes happened...

the beginning of 2009 was bad haha i broke with my girlfriend... sober for 2 months and it affected my life so much. my exam sux because of it... haha im telling the truth, then i met shera... she changed everything, cheer me up and accompany me haha
i made lots of friend last year, with form 5, form 2, and thanks for JE and memy, they're my ticket to know the whole form 5 students... had fun knowing everyone...
then i get 8a for pmr haha cant believe it at first...
cos i wasnt serious doing the exam, i online during night and chat with people, study a bit, only 6 hours, and attend friends' raya openhouse hahaha and yeah 8a.. 8a babe man 2009 is the best year and a lucky year for me... alright thats all... i really enjoy 2009, forget the black moment, when i break up with my gf hahaha... 2009 i love you so much! i wish im 15 forever!