January 13, 2010

my room is so cool, phone signal cant enter my room =.=

alright this is soooooo cool and dumb and idiot and sux and what more?
hahahaha no wonder la phone slalu takda signal, ingatkan rosak ke ape..
siap mintak kat abah nak tukar phone lagi cakap phone ni hampeh takleh receive signal xleh send/receive msg blablabla...
rupa2 nye my room takda signal... kat family room, luar bilik tu elok je 5 bars lagi.. =.=
why my room takda signal phone? because of my sub woofer.. =.=
alright 2 speakers and 1 sub woofer, that beeyatch subwoofer, die cam entah hahah
kalau hidup je, signal takda... kalau mati, signal ade lolololol
how cool is that heh?
so haa, to all my friends hahaha sorry slalu tak reply msg and blablabla tak angkat call..
selama ni ingatkan phone rosak, rupa2 nye bilik ni ha hahahaha blame the sub woofer lol... =x
so, hmmm takyah tukar phone lah... jimat duit abah kan ;]
all hail my sub woofer!!

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