January 6, 2010

Provoked the teachers :D

so yeah ha ok today, rabu... hari ketiga sekolah 2010...
1 great thing bout today is, puan habsah chose me to talk on forum about, SAYA SAYANG SEKOLAH SAYA...
haa taktau la nape die pilih aku, i said to her that i wont cooperate and say bad things about our school, but she didnt mind and insist me to go in front of the hall...
amalina isyqie, tam ai wei/tam ai wey =x , zikri and arun... pengerusi forum adibah hanani...
okay dibah pilih amalina dulu untuk huraikan pasal sayang sekolah... and blablabla ok reasons and how to prove love to school die memang bagus, kondusif hahah baru tau meaning die =x
then my turn, everyone 'wuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuuuu alip!!!!' hahah macam bodoh especially yang belakang tu =p
terbaik la my gang :D
so, straight forward, 'saya tak suke sekolah ni ye, sebab cikgu2 kat sekolah ni terok2... tak semua la, tapi sesetengah... tapi memang betul pun sebab saya banyak kali kena' then semua wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuu!!!
hahahah xleh blah, i think people agree with me, well hmm maybe not all, but people make noise after i said that... i really have guts o,0
but haha cikgu takleh marah, kata forum, sure bebas kan... kalau bantah, cakap je la.. walaupun tajuk die saya sayang sekolah, tapi nak buat camne, aku tak sayang sekolah en... ;]
then pn.zanariah sebok2 nak amek gambar lepas aku cakap camtu...
pastu 3 orang forum lagi haha zikri, tam, arun, bantah what i said tapi dorang macam tak laku sangat... hahaha...
aaaahh the end... lantak la cikgu nak blacklist ke ape... kalau amik tindakan, haha maknanya dorang takleh terima kritikan... nak pujian je hahaha baru sikit tu... i may be 'zalim' to teachers for saying that, but lantak lah dorang zalim gak...selalu kene tuduh macam2 ngan cikgu, just because i hangout with badasses, tak bermakna i do what they do... just follow and hangout and laugh and chat...

TAKE THAT JESS TEACHERS... the end... aku bukan nak tunjuk besar. :D


syaima.yunus said...

gile brani!!! bagoss!!!
*thumbs up*
co0l yaww!!!

Iman Ridzuan said...

hahaha! salute kau alip xD

AnnaSuzanna said...

anis loves school . but not the teachers . well , x sume la .
best gler alip !!
thumbs up !!