February 22, 2010

esok birthday! 16th hihihi

yeay esok birthday! 16! hah...
23rd feb.... for your information, aku share birthday dengan abang aku...
dia pun 23rd feb gak... cuma beza 3 tahun je wihih :D
so hmmm birthday, havent plan anything yet, tak mengharap sangat pun kawan nak buat party or celebrate ke... sebab entah, rasa cam malas.. biar la, birthday cool je =]
tak mengharap sangat dari parents cos still ada isu dengan dorang..
read the older post to know what happened between me and my parents..

so... hmm..yeah... nothing left to say here... tomorrow's my birthday... 16...
harap dapat ambil lesen motor la... kena ambil cepat2 lesen tu, sebab ada orang cakap, August 2010, lesen motor akan ditukar kpd 18... haa thats bullshit right? so while ada masa ni, baik ambil cepat2... ;]
i dont expect much from friends, tak expect nak bday BOOM gila, tak expect nak hadiah, and tak kisah kalau birthday ni tak happening... who cares, i just want to relax ;]

1 comment:

FARA' said...


aku blnja kau kt kantin nk x?
