August 30, 2010


alright im back baybeeeeeeh its been a while since the last post,
its 30th august, esok cuti merdeka and i feel relieved about this coz im not ready yet for the exam and the time is like on my side, the 2nd chance, ho yeah baybeh =x

today's paper was LK, sejarah and modern math. heh this week is exam week, august test. =.=
daaaaang im nt satisfied with the LK paper, i didnt get to finish the tangent and additional view questions. bullshit im going to lose looooot lots of marks. u know, lk paper is the easiest to lose marks =.=
tak sempat siapkan, tak cukup masa kot. and satu question mau 30 min, and ade 6 questions overall. daaaaaaang fuck tak dapat A la LK ni. im trying not to regret and think about this, hati rasa tak sedap je pikir pasal ni. kalau LK tak dapat A, it would be a errrmm fucking shit la +.+
and additional view markah dia 20marks fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
sejarah and modern math ok la. i managed to finish it and check it 3 times.

alright forget about that, i think im really into taking pictures and edit em. i enjoy doing it and inspirations keep on coming into my head. its like feeding the imagination in our mind, making impossible things happen in our own world. not its not freak nor syok sendiri, i bet everyone macam ni. cuma dorang bajet cool and poyo dengan tak layan benda ni and layan benda lain =.="
those are hypocrites.

maaaaang dah 30th august, 19 hari dah puasa. cepat gila masa brlalu and aku macam tak puas. rasa bes lak puasa, bangun pagi and then get that fresh feeling, berat badan turun, berbuka ngan family.
next week dah rayaaaaa~ cepat gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i never asked the time to go this fast, coz id miss something. yang dah lepas tu lepas la, i love this life now and looking forward, want to go further and leave behind. life oooo life, the progress moves so slow and left behind by the age, yet im still alive.

oooo aku baru tau bday dila pornstar hari ni. HAPPY BDAY SAIDATUL FADZILAH! dont grow! ure cute now. have a wonderful 16th bday party!

have a nice day readers, oh i called these pictures 'Mountain of blanket' and
'Fan & Light', too long to describe. bye2 =x

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