November 3, 2009

Why I Fuc*ing unable to sleep?

owh gooosssh look what time is it now... 4.20 am... its fucking morning... and Im here sitting in front of computer writing this bullshit... damn why Im unable to sleep...
I feel so tired but unable to sleep...
aku ada insomnia ke? sejak 2 weeks ago, gile bapak susah nak tido...
sejak 2 bulan sebelum PMR dulu da ade susah nak tido... tapi lepas PMR senang skejap...
tak lame pun... =.=
aarrrghh I need sleeping pill... but i've read an article before, it says that sleeping pills are not good for health... it can cause drowsiness the next day, confusion, forgetfulness and dry mouth... these side effects can be severe...
BUT I NEED IT BADLY! i hardly fucking unable to sleep...
just now theres an article on yahoo about side effect of less sleep...
boleh trbantut... =.=
camni susah la nak tinggi doh... time tido la growth start... and recovery of cells... blablabla banyak la...

errrh help me! i want to sleep! someone get me sleeping pill... or gime some advise

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