July 29, 2010


things are funny nowadays, some girls really have lost their mind and became idiot and tak tahu malu. WELL SOME GIRLS, jangan sebok nak terasa and 'flame' me.
its funny u said im like BUDAK KECIK and called me pa-the-tic~ well whatever girl i dont mind and wont bother u. eh wait, u bother me. whaddup with u oooo.
i thought we're done. u said 'why bother befriending me, u messed things up and a total idiot'
i have a good memory, i still remember everything u wrote about me @ ur blog. i just couldnt forget it and its unforgivable for accusing me blablabla. i know that was ur opinion about ur close friend, but dont pick others name. u used other to show ur negative thoughts.
so what i did wassssss, i deleted her from my facebook. then few days ago i saw her name in my friend request. lol wtf? malas nak tulis name en... only close friends and geng aku je tau benda ni... im not a coward, its just that i dont want to humiliate u. malas nak 'heat up' situation. so about the friend request, i approved then. i posted something at her wall, saying like ermmm 'thanks, are we ok? friends?' erh smthing like that but nicer la =.=
guess what she wrote at my wall? smething like this, 'next time dont pick a fight with us kid!' ermm >.>

u see? u seee thaaaat? waaaataaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak a moron bitch in my facebook!!! shameless, idiot and a total fucking bitch. bitches always do bitch and be bitch. oh what a bitch. cakap elok2 aku lak yang kena, dah la add aku, pastu cari pasal.
memang takda muka la minah ni. so what i do then, i comment, 'next time jangan putar belit cite ye mulut pantat'. then she reply, 'dah stop la weh babi je kau ni haha'
i shouldve take a screenshot of that post but too bad she has delete it. tak jumpe dah. so, aku tak reply dah. malas layan minah tak bermuka macam die tu. and aku tak delete die, i want to know what shes up to ~.~
FEW DAYS LATER, die add facebook account aku yg 2nd pulak~ oh bapak tak sedar diri en. berani die tunjuk muka and add private account aku =.=

look look :@)
girls today (some not all), taktau la. lost their mind, lost their honour, or, lost everything, tak reti beradab eh. tak sedar diri. whaa im just saying, its a fact ok and it happened to me. i write this because i want to tell everyone how stupid errr err.. aaaa nvm. i dont know how and why many trust her. they dont know the truth, the inside story. tapi nak beri komen lak =.=
macam orang pekak jadi juri akademi fantasia. i got prooves, curious sangat, just come to me and ill show everything, our conversation, fights, screenshot.

erm well done here, cant write much cos that would be LAAAAME. i just want to give the message, shes a moron and brainless, why trust her? ask me her name and ill tell ya ;]

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