July 30, 2010

i am excited?

i ammmm haaallf excited... idk... im not high right now. but im excited. tomorrow im going to mtv worldstage, today i laughed a lot, and ponteng qiamulail organised by school...
lol aku tak bagitau pun parents pasal benda qiamulail tu. entah la, malas doh. tapi aku rasa guilty sebab tak pegi, aku takda reason untuk ponteng program tu. so yeah, memant patot guilty. everyone kat masjid right now, aku and some useless pals who share the same mind as me, dok online kat rumah huehuehue aaaa.
my dad's is sick and im worried :(
i asked my brother to buy him a 100plus so my dad can get well.
download satu album maroon 5, aaaa semua lagu die bes2 <3
kan bes kalau band tu datang malaysia, aku sure pegi punya and take pictures with them and have their autograph. 8D
damn adam and his gang are so so talented i just like their music =3
a bit frust at school just now cos someone spoiled my name to the teacher haha but i dnt mind, ill make my teacher proud and gain my reputation back...
watched harold and kumar:go to white castle this evening. it was... hilarious and a bit dirty. but who cares heh? its a joke and not too much. their original jokes are really working XD
woooooooooooooooooooo huh im going to worldstage tomorrow katy perry and wondergirls im coming wooooot! XD
hawttt hawwwwt <3

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