July 9, 2010

oh hye bye

today i learnt a new lesson, i taught myself about making decisions and their bad and good consequences. sesetengah keputusan yang ko buat sure ade yang negative. kadang2, negative sikit, then dapat benefit banyak, benefit = positive.
tak kisah la benefit untuk semua orang ke, atau untuk diri sendiri. but i dont care, ive made my decision, it was hard, duh. this time it may hurts a bit but im sure it will move me, making us farther, further apart. satu benda yang negative about me, im too 'quiet'. jenis yang taknak bagitau orang pasal ape yang tak suka pastu bawa diri jauh2 without telling why. people may not understand why i do this and that blablabla, but wtv i just dont care anymore and aku jenis yang tak kisah. nak buat camne en, im not caring. only close friend je aku kisah and interest in. sometimes benda yang kau kisah la yang sakitkan hati, such as ex-es, past stories, and macam2 lagi. why would u take the pain? prihatin much sampai diri sendiri sakit.
please, this really, hurts me. =|
they talk so loud and i cant ignore it. they appear often i just cant close my eyes and forget everything. i cant move on in here.
i only share my problems with my dearest friends from outside, cite kat schoolmate nanti tak memasal sampai telinga lain lak, plus orang luar taktau, so lagi senang la.
im not dare enough to take the risk.

so, think ive gone to far writing bout how i feel right now. my main point is, ade kawan dekat2 ni sometimes menyusahkan. well not all la, im just saying ok, jangan terasa. many of my plans ruined. frust kalau kite tak dapat ape yang kite nak ni, plus, plan tak menjadi sebab tak dengar cakap. lagi baik buat solo. they dont share the 'same mind' with me. tadi, aku suruh diam and dont tell em, tapi si bodoh tu pegi bagitau and panggil budak tu lak. aku ingat nak biar je and buat bodo, plus taknak jumpe dia. tapi dorang gi panggil lak, babi sakit ati pantat look what uve done fucktards. nakal, tak dengar cakap. i wish i can punch u in the face and stomp kat badan sampai kau mati. menyusahkan je orang camni tak reti tolerate. what u did just now is not a joke and i mean it.

ok la enough with pissed off post aaaa i write so someone know a bit about me on what i dislike. i delete my friends and my used-to-be-closed friends and wont bother them anymore. dnt get me wrong ok. have a nice day, im relaxing this weekend =]