May 5, 2010


semalam, akmal hafeez called me and ask me a favor.
lepas discuss pasal favor dia tu, chat kejap. dia cakap aku sombong and tak untalkative as before.
I want to ask u, readers, some questions.
1, betul ke aku dah tak banyak cakap cam dulu? and boring?
2, aku sombong ke?
3, am i active as before?

akmal cakap aku camtu la... +.+
terasa kot. sumpah ramai gila cakap aku dah tak talkative cam dulu and sombong.
this time nak tanye opinion orang. is that true im that type of guy? yang malas layan kawan?

haih... aku bukan apa... aku just malas bersuara and tak message sangat ngan orang.
typing kat phone tak bes, prefer kat pc. so yeah im more to pc than phone.
and, i prefer chat on internet. u see, im active at facebook :D
but inactive in ym.
facebook senang chat, and fun. takyah reply cepat2. ym kene reply cepat2 and aku malas layan orang... i just want privacy. kalau 24jam asek chatting je, memang rimas and bazir masa la. i got works to do too...
korang tak rasa boring ke chat ngan orang sama berminggu2 or berbulan? sebab aku rasa camtu. boring kot. aku ni cepat boring ngan orang dan karenah orang. bile dah boring, tukar orang la. normally malas layan. reply pendek2 je kalau die tegur gak =x
boleh katakan seminggu aku msg satu orang (normally). dalam seminggu tu i get to know her well and be close to. average 90+ texts per day. kerap la tu en message.
bila kredit sikit, aku reply msg yang penting je la.
just malas multi-chat kat phone.
and, aku malas tegur orang. bukan ape, malas ganggu. tu satu. and got works to do. like playing games, watching movies and chat on internet. oh and, aku tak suke texting ngan laki kat phone, melainkan betul2 penting and munasabah je baru aku layan XD
kat internet baru aku tegur and layan laki. B-)
rasa cam gay kot.

malas tulis panjang. hmm, haa, so yeah friends. sorry kalau aku dah lama tak tegur korang. bukan ape, bukan sombong, tapi just malas. kalau nak chat, chat kat internet la, not phone. phone aku malas sikit. very very malas actually. oh and jangan message waktu siang, message waktu malam. cos siang seriously malas and banyak kerja. malam free and banyak idea nak cakap pasal ape :)
i hate to say this, but, aku memang jenis camni. selfish - i dont come to friends unless interested to, but friends come to me ;3
thanks for reading, hope u understand me. have a nice day :D

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