May 30, 2010

youth festival

went to Youth Festival yesterday with faiz anaqi and ieqa... that festival was awesome. lots of events held. dance competition, basketball, futsal, battle of the bands, jualan barang2, mewarna.. ceee takde ah... pertandingan mewarna takde hahahaha gilo kalau ade... macam2 lah ade... tapi aku tak amek bahagian pun. malas. and crowded...

dance competition cool doh. dorang dance cantik and synchronized gile... i like the second one, after Floor Fever group. ade MJ, pakai shade, leather jacket and hat, that one was very nice... really enjoy watching them :D

tempat tu crowded gile sampai banyak kali aku kene tinggal.. +.+
and my phone takde credit. that made it worse... kene tunggu dorang call baru dapat jumpe balik... zzzzz... met few friends there, chaa and aidzat ehem2, elli, luqman, kakak chaa, athifah, hany and her bf, izzati, ant, aimi, nana and ramai lah...
elli grow taller please... u'll look more beautiful then ;]

met my parkour members too... tapi dah tak member hahaha malas dah... borak ngan Atha je la... die ngan dorang... dorang tu dah macam ape je... tak layan budak kecik hahaha...

then dah bape jam dok kat youth tu... at 5 we decided to go home. but before that, gi makan dulu :D
me ieqa and faiz had our meal at pizza hut... anaqi balik ngan jiran die... we chat a lot and share macam2 cite... rindu doh kawan2 asrama ni... i hate to say this, but its true... i miss them a lot... :')
teringat time dorang ade dulu hahah..
ieqa turun kat serdang, faiz kat kajang. me at ukm. masing2 station lain +.+
so there i start to feel alone and got home by taxi. balik rumah usha cupcakes, damn it dah hancur... lalai doh... +.+

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

apahal ehem ehem ._.