May 2, 2010


went to midvalley with Nizar and his friends, ayeez, najib, mus, najmi ... budak2 saujana impian ni, aku kenal dorang gak... have met them before this and nizar intro dorang :D
went there to watch Ironman 2, damn gila ramai beratur nak beli ticket. lucky kitorang dah order ticket 3 days before, so takyah q :D

Ironman 2 was great and awwweeeeeeeesomeeeee... cool gile kot iron suit tu... great CGI and story line... love it, 5 star. its a MUST WATCH MOVIE of 2010 :D
bes gile kalau jadi Tony Stark tu... multi-millionaire, great house and great cars... great tech in his garage.

then after that, went to sushi king, kali ketiga aku makan sushi... okay im addicted with it now... rasa nak lagi. nak try semua... sedap kot.. cume wasabi sux. prefer no wasabi and just soy sauce... bill die pun baik punyaaaaaa, but idc... =x

jalan2, cari tag untuk bag sekolah, tak jumpe apa yang aku nak. semua caption tak bes, oh and ayeez najib mus had to go home early coz their parents will be mad if its too late... so left nizar me and najmi... on the way to Gardens, i want to show my friends a trick...
the trick is, walk on the water, kan on the way to gardens ade fountain...
so yeah, time tu lantai basah coz baru lepas hujan. i called nizar and najmi nak suruh dorang tengok, skali nak stop, tetibe kaki tergelincir lak... habis jatuh masuk fountain tu...basah basah =.=
they laughed at me so hard and aku rasa malu gila... +.+
then beli some stuffs kat garden, balik ke mid, beli neck tie untuk abah. coz the day before yesterday was his birthday. :D
walaupun tie tak semahal mane, tapi tak kisah la.. janji ade makna... and die takkan tau harga tie tu XD

arrive at home at 9... and abah happy sangat dapat tie tu... maklumlah, anak tak ramai, birthday setahun sekali, jarang dapat hadiah kan... :')
ok thats all about yesterday. bye2 have a nice day readers :)

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